Chapter 224

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A few days later I had everything set up at the inn, leaving Marko in charge of the majority of things, he seemed pleased to be given the honour to carry out orders in the name of Fang, seemed he'd been brought up on some of the old tales by his parents, it is where I learnt that most of the tribes and traveling Animalia still told the original stories, not those changed within Cathopia, this gave me a sense of hope that his legend would not fade away.

During a quick visit to the White Tigers inn, I had a visit from Madi, who had already gained some valuable information about a problem nearby, relating to a certain Lupus, Hashana. I had been meaning to get into contact with them as I wanted them as my sole informants, as from Fang's request and from experience I knew they could be trusted and always gathered accurate information.

"This information I bring to light for its relation to similar cases you have faced already." Madi got straight to the point. "It holds the same scent as those who carry the darkness spread by Dumah and the eternal dragon." Madi had me interested from her first words, she wouldn't have come if it wasn't important.

"Continue Madi." I sat at my desk, feeling excited, things were moving ahead faster than I had anticipated.

"Passing through the lands of the Smilodon territory where Cathopia get their source of lightning crystals, it seemed most quiet there," informed Madi. "The Rattus have always done business as have many other places, the village were only filled with children, no adults to speak off, they were fearful and almost appeared to be waiting for something to happen, curious I inspected the crystal caves to see that they were guarded by wolves and Hashana was among them."

"Hashana," I growled, remembering her assassination attempt.

"The adult Smilodon were coming out of the cave with huge lightning crystals and then heading inside with small dark crystals." She reached in her pocket, pulling out a small pouch covered in what appeared to be clear quartz, a cleansing stone. "I managed to get this fragment as proof of what I believe they are doing." She placed it on the table.

I slowly reached out taking the pouch, and opening it up, instantly seeing a waft of dark energy, definitely a dark crystal. I pulled it out, only a small piece, but it was enough to let me know they were trying to make another dark crystal farm. Madi watched fascinated as my purification ability consumed the crystal and it turned to dust between my fingertips.

"Thank you Madi," I nodded pleased with this information, but also angry remembering what had happened to Link. I needed to move quickly to prevent anyone there suffering the same fate as he did, and I would get the chance to get some pay back with Hashana and even wipe out her essence of darkness from this world.

"One last thing, from talking to a villager, they kidnapped the most gifted child, one capable of drawing out the purest and largest of the crystals, using her life to get the rest to do what they want," continued Madi. "It has been going on for about a month now, unable to call for help they have accepted their fates, that they will be next within the caves and to die there."

"Not if I can help it." I stood up, slamming my hands down. "I will deal with this personally, after having words with Tigra, can't just head off without telling her."

"I will take my leave." Madi bowed.

"Wait, Madi." I raised my hand to stop her.

"Yes," she gazed at me.

"I would like you and the Rattus Warriors to be my sole informants to gather information on Dumah and the others, to help me against the darkness," I said.

"I wouldn't have come if I was not already willing to help," she grinned. "Darkness such as his does not belong in this world any longer."

"Thank you."


I headed off to make it outside the main hall where Tigra was meeting with King Kahli about further relations. Dash was still on guard, and it had not ended yet, which was good, she would never know I left to go, but then would know due to my interaction with Madi.

Taking my place next to Dash. I noticed a scent and spotted a figure hiding. I shook my head. "How long has the king been over there?" I whispered.

"Since it started," replied Dash. "No idea why the king is hiding."

"Let's find out." I wondered over. "Your majesty."

"Oh, Fang, funny meeting you here." He laughed nervously. Since more of our clan had been present within the city, it seemed to have cured Alton of most of the darkness around him, but his prolonged contact with it had left its mark on him, only when Dumah was gone would he be safe from it.

"Don't truest my judgement on watching your daughter," I said.

"Well, you have been gone for half of it," he commented. "But I suspect it has something to do with the new venture of taking on an old inn." He grinned. "Not a bad place to set up a business, but doing both will be taxing."

"Don't you worry about me." I glanced back at the door. "Plus, while I have been gone Dash has been present and Link is not too far, ready to act."

"Yes, that Link, very interesting character, doesn't talk much." Alton looked at the doors. "Do you think she is handling herself okay, I remember my first proper meeting to finish creating ties to a new village."

"You worried about her," I chuckled. "She is very tough, follows her heart and does what she wants without listening to me."

"Sounds like her father," commented Larana.

"Perhaps some of my choices were not the best, but I did it all to protect the ones I love including Yamato as long as I can hold the eternal dragon's greatest servant here, where there are those who carry Fang's will then nowhere else need suffer the worst of what the darkness brings. I wish I could do more, but as a king I am greatly restricted."

"I think I told you before, it's your kingdom, you can make new rules and do what you want really, after all you are still a powerful warrior and from a vision I once saw, as a prince you didn't care about status and choice a street dancer as your queen." I smiled.

Alton came closer, putting his arm around me. "Straight talking as always."

"Make changes now your majesty because you never know if things might take a turn for the worse," I said. "You have to think, what if dad and I weren't here."

"Hmm, you have a point," he nodded. "Alright, I'll take your advice on, great advisor like your dad." He chuckled and headed off. "Take good care of my daughter Alex." He called back.

"I will." I turned back to the doors as they opened, Tigra laughing away with King Kahli.

"Well said, your highness."

I smiled and headed closer. "I will have Dash accompany you back to your quarters, your majesty."

"Thank you, Fang," nodded King Kahli.

"This way please," said Dash calmly, he had gotten better on how to act in front of others, especially royalty.

"Your highness," I grinned.

"Alex," she shook her head.

"I have something important to tell you," I began.

"What is it?" she wondered.

"You remember how I told you about Link's village." She nodded. "Well, it's happening again, this time in the Smilodon's crystal caves." I proceeded to explain everything Madi had told me, her expression changed to one of anger.

"So close to Cathopia," she let out a low grumble. "I give you my full permission to sort out the situation there, destroy all the dark crystals and Hashana."

"Understood." I had expected no better response from her, she was always on my side and cared deeply for our home and those who lived within it.

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