Chapter 221

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As dad had said after I had recovered from my contact with Zekon the next day we were heading home. Dad had explained to me that Zekon's power had been feared for centuries, even by our clan, who had decided to imprison the sword. He had felt saddened by Zekon's imprisonment that he decided to protect the sword, even drawing it even though all those before who had touched it had suffered a painful death.

Zekon had become so grudgeful against all Animalia that he forced the fused armour on anyone who touched him, sharing everything before they'd even known his name, but dad had managed to tame such power where so many had failed before, and the two had been together becoming a legend among the warriors of Cathopia.

Dad and I casually flew back to the city, leaving the place dad still called home in his heart, even I felt ties to that place, without his parent's sacrifice and the teachings Larana gave dad as a child, I wouldn't be here.

I flew behind dad, admiring his dragon wings, their strong form, occasionally releasing sparks of his restored power, perhaps Zekon was just testing it before we arrived home to the city.

We landed within the city by the market, which was as lively as ever, our wings faded as we heard someone calling over.

"Chief, your back." A brown feles came dashing over. I'd never seen him before, but he called dad chief.

"Are you the first to arrive?" he asked.

"No," he shook his head, then looked over to me. "A few have arrived."

"Dad." I gazed over at him. "Who's this?"

"He is a member of our Clan," answered dad. "Family."

"Ah, your son." The newcomer seemed to grow excited. "Warrior of Fang, who wields our ancestor's talismans, it is an honour to meet you, son of the chief."

"Just call him Fang," said dad. "Let's return home, won't be long now."

"Dad an explanation would be nice," I said still confused. "I've never seen another Fang apart from Kiba and his parents before."

"Many of our clan members walk the land keeping the darkness at bay, not as many as there once were, but we are still here in the name of Fang. we gather together during special events; all this wondering began during your mother's father's rein. I on the other hand, would like to bring them back to the city, but with the darkness spread so far, they are needed in other places so cannot return home just yet."

"What event?" I asked.

"The birth of a Fang, the last time was when you were born," he smirked. "So, has turned into quite a rare event."

"Birth of a Fang." I shook my head, thinking about it. The only other Fang I had known about was Kiba and he was no longer here. "Wait... Lin." It clicked.

"Yes," he nodded. "She'll soon give birth." Dad quickened his pace for home. "It is the duty of the chief's wife to help with the birth and my job to introduce the newborn Fang to the clan, you'll be accompanying me, one day it'll be your duty." He chuckled to himself. "But then again you might be too busy for that when married to Tigra."

"I never thought of you as the teasing type, chief," commented the feles.

"I think he picked it up from the king," I said.

As we entered the castle, I noticed the entry way was void of all mist of darkness. I glanced back at my fellow clan member who also let off an aura of purification. It showed everyone in the clan shared that ability.

Dad walked through into the bakery which had Athena manning the counter. "Thank you, Athena."

"They are waiting in the back," she said, giving me a nod.

Dad made it out back, finding in the living room a group of Feles, all with brown fur, a characteristic I now knew was from the lineage of Fang, those who shared his light. There was about fifteen of them, all chatting away with one another, sounded like they were sharing war stories. Most were about dad's age, then one or two elderly. A senior gazed at dad, he held no respect for the chief of the clan.

Dad glanced back at me with a smile, the room falling silent on our arrival. "I would like to introduce my son Fang, Warrior of Fang and inheritor of Fang's power and the goddess's light."

They all glanced at each other and began nattering again. "Never been two Warrior of Fangs at the same time before."

"Things must be getting dire," said another.

"Considering no Fang's have been born since him."

"Are we losing the battle."

"Calm yourselves please," said dad, standing amongst them.

An elderly Feles was shaking his head. "Knew you would lead things to their destruction Feral."

Dads domineer changed. "Is that how you speak to your chief," he snarled, the temperature in the room rising.

"My apologies." Everyone stood rigid, even they feared my dad, a powerful warrior, a legend.

"There is still time for us to set things right," said dad.

"Obviously you have not been doing the duty our first master set for you," snarled Arata appearing, and so did Raziel. At dad's request they had disappeared during the time of our training, took quite a bit of persuasion, but under your protection he'll be fine, not like I can't look after myself or anything.

"The winged lions," they gasped.

"Laziness," commented Raziel.

"Then what would you suggest?" asked dad.

"You already know Yamato, after you have done far more than most." Raziel gazed at him.

Dad nodded, then as if inspired by Raziel and Arata's presence, continued to speak. "After the birth of a new Fang, we will begin to spread ourselves out slowly through Panthera to every little village, chasing away the darkness..." Dad continued with his meeting not sure for how long, most had excepted his plans, but others still held doubt in their eyes, if only they could hear the voice of Fang, he could tell them to listen. I had thought this meeting would mainly by about Lin, but dad was using this opportunity to get the Fangs all on the same page, a plan against the darkness. "And those who do not want to continue are more than welcome to join the others."

"Fool, we can no longer transcend worlds," snapped the elder.

"You saw her at the counter, the blue Avis, she carries the gift of her people," responded dad.

"Why would we leave, surely it is time for everyone to return home," said another.

"Not yet." I randomly spoke, shaking my head, wish it would not do that. They were all now looking at me. "A time will come soon, but not yet."

"And how would you know?" questioned one.

"I share the gift of clairvoyance, just like my mother and it is much stronger," I answered, I glanced at dad. "Can I go now? Feeling a little lightheaded." He nodded. "Thanks." I slowly turned to leave the room as dad continued to talk away, a lot of good words did and dad knew that he could just manage to get them to even be in that room together, our clan had fallen a long way.

"Things will improve," I heard Fang. "And you are going to help, start with a message to the Rattus, asking to search of anything that is upsetting the balance of light and darkness, look for the sights of those enemies of old."

"And your helping?" I touched my head.

"About time I try to get things back on track, but only with your help," said Fang.

"You're sounding like your alive or something, your time past a long time ago," I commented.

"Think now Fang, if you knew you could help the world even when you were gone, wouldn't you. I know I am no longer part of your world, but I have always guided warrior of Fangs, and this will be no different, will you help me?"

"Well, I don't have much of a choice, you're in my head, not like I can shut you up, mister transcends time." I shook my head. "What about dad?"

"We already have a plan, if we don't act not things will only get worse," said Fang. "Get some rest, we'll start tomorrow."


Warrior of Fang part 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora