Chapter 241

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As soon as I was out of the doors of the palace, I was air born, the images from my vision still playing clearly in my mind. The condensed crystal was actually picking those it wanted to infect and now it had its sights on Tigra. I would never let them anywhere near her.

Rockray was close behind me, determined to keep up. I heard his puffed breath. "You are one fast flyer."

I didn't know Anamothra, but I knew exactly where to go from what I saw in seconds, I could sense Link, he might have been wearing that pendent, but he still let of a completely different energy than any other Feles I'd met.

I darted to the market, spotting Tigra rummaging through a stall's wares. I darted down, landing beside her, letting off a gust of wind that blew wildly. Tigra stumbled in surprise, I gripped hold of her arm before she could fall.

"Fang." She was shocked by my sudden appearance, gazing at me concern as I scanned her over for the essence of the condensed dark crystal, thankfully she had not come in to contact with it. "Fang."

I let out a sigh of relief knowing she was safe. My attention quickly turned to my surroundings instantly on guard and darting to where I had seen Tigra from, but when I got there, there was nothing there, but they had been here, I could sense the left-over energy from the condensed crystal.

It had been far stronger than I had felt in the princess's room, could it be possible that the crystal itself was growing in power with each victim it corrupted and of course Tigra would be the best prize the eternal dragon could get his claws on.

"Alex." Tigra came from behind, touching my shoulder. "What's happened?"

"I saw how the princess got the condensed crystal when she was out on a trip outside the city, it was given to her as a gift from someone." I glanced at Rockray.

"Its customary for our kin to pass on gifts to the royals," responded Rockray.

"From there it whispers to those it chooses as its next victim, willing them to take hold of it, to carry it with them and slowly without even a fight it consumes them." I felt slightly angry that they had escaped. "Your highness, I fear it has set eyes upon you, so please allow us to return to our quarters."

Tigra looked at me displeased. "I have taken on your concerns and advice, but I think I will continued on with my shopping trip."

"Tigra," I snapped.

"Excuse me, remember your place, Fang," snarled Tigra. I was surprised but understood her reaction.

I took a step back. "My apologies, your highness." I bowed.

"Right then." Tigra continued on with her day out in the city. I remained silent but on guard, keeping an eye on every single Animalia that came near her.

Tigra picked up a number of different items, having Link carry them, couldn't see his face it was piled so high, new clothes as the Avis used more silks than we did in Cathopia, beautiful carved figures of the sacred animals, she wanted to share them with others to remind those at home that these creatures once lived and some still did.

I looked up to see Avis flying with the Pegasus, Griffins, and occasional the fairy. I couldn't help but wonder what other sacred animals called below home.

"Rockray." Tigra was chatting with him. "Do you think Cathopia could ever have a connection with sacred animals?"

"That I do not know, but perhaps it could, considering it was once known as the city of light, Fang walked beside talismans and sacred animals alike, maybe Cathopia can be like it again when darkness has been chased away," answered Rockray.

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