5. Bilbo | My Imaginings

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The Hobbit : Fic

Bilbo x Reader

Word Count: 1370

Warnings: Just the reiteration that I am a total hobbit girl 💖


She sat perched on the thickest branches, pondering silently at the commotion below her. Her tangled mass of curls were hidden beneath a pale traveling cloak as the wind nipped at her nose. She covered as much of her arms as she could, pulling her hood further down.

Beneath her lay the campsite made by the dwarves; the Company of Thorin Oakenshield. They were loud and rambunctious, listening to Bofur tell outrageous stories from the Blue Mountains. Fili and Kili were wrestling feet from the fire Gloin was trying to protect. Dwalin sparred with Nori near the trees, slamming his ironclad fists into the trunks.

Others, like Balin and Dori, watched from the sidelines with gruff retorts. Thorin was in deep discussion with Oin about supplies and maps. Even gentle Bombur was getting rowdy as he fought with Bifur about the remaining stew in the pot.

(Y/N) pulled her cloak tighter, resting against her tree and trying to tune out the noise as she kept watch. It was far too loud for her liking, even the Shire kept its rambunctious days to a minimum.

Perhaps she just avoided the Green Dragon when the lamplights were lit. But she missed her quiet garden and reading chair more than ever now. It was so tranquil there.

She sighed as a clay bowl of stew flew and broke against the woods.

"Pst." A voice came from the base of her tree, "(Y/N)."

Scrunching her brow, (Y/N) shuffled to the side and peered below. There among the roots was Bilbo. He seemed to be contemplating what to say next, apparently he didn't expect to get this far by the look of fear in his eyes.

He gestured towards her and then to himself a few times, blinking anxiously, "Do... um – hello."

She smiled at him but didn't reply.

"I uh..." he twiddled his fingers. "... couldn't help but notice that you haven't eaten yet."

Her smile remained, quaint and quiet. Her gaze was kind and warm as she listened to his ramblings.

Bilbo ferreted around in his coat pocket until he extracted a small bundle of cloth, "I may or may not have gotten ahold of better food from Beorn's."

(Y/N) snickered, pink cheeks reddening from something more than the cold wind. Bilbo seemed rather pleased in himself.

"Perhaps... perhaps I may join you?" he swallowed thickly, throat bobbing as he awaited her answer.

It took a moment or two, but she nodded towards a spot in front of her. Bilbo grinned with relief, returning the food to his pocket and mumbling silly things as he neared the trunk. He had climbed trees before and though was clumsy, made it to her side.

Straddling the branch, he attempted to catch his breath and pull the bundled cloth back into the light. He was all precious smiles as he revealed some meats and cheese, even a portion of a loaf of bread.

It made her eyes brighten and Bilbo was eager to catch that reaction. "I assume you are just as tired of watery stew as I am."

"I am impressed," she finally muttered, "You've become accustomed to your burglar title."

"Oh, Beorn wouldn't miss this," he smiled, "He was very generous."

(Y/N) relinquished her hold on her cloak, sitting more open towards him, "I am grateful." She accepted the half of the food Bilbo offered her.

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