24. Thranduil | Muffin Empire (Modern)

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Two months into his time at university Prince Thranduil huffs seeing the same out of place tiny Elleth with unruly raven curls and silver flecked purple eyes between classes and working at the diner he frequents after classes and the theater/gaming center his friends visit on occasion on their weekends.

Today he has had enough and ignorant of the internal battle of your stomach ready to roar from hunger while your body clenched every muscle it had to remain upright and not collapse from sheer exhaustion he turns and stands in your way. Right away internally flinching into an awkward sense of warmth as he had every time you had taken his order or answered his odd question he forced out in some unspoken requirement of his own to converse with you any time he crossed your path. "I know my Ada wants me to be safe but if you were to be stealthy following me everywhere to spy on me is far from successful a tactic."

"Excuse me?!" You fired back unwilling to restrain your temper in exhaustion for the sheer audacity of the accusation from the pompous Prince.

"Ada gave his word if there were to be security they would not draw attention and you are everywhere I turn, in my classes, at the diner I eat at and the theater/Game Center my friends and I frequent. Perhaps he should have chosen someone a bit more qualified in stealth for the job."

That had you scoff and Celeborn and Glorfindel who were waiting for their friends group up curious of how the obviously angered Elleth would react while the Prince took a nibble off of his muffin in his free hand he popped between his lips. The treat by the wrapper obviously from the absurdly expensive snack shop where they sell for eight bucks a pop. "First off, look at my shoes!" His eyes lowered and as you pointed out he could see the second hand shoes showed signs of self maintenance to keep them intact well beyond their years.

"I superglued the soles of my shoes back on yesterday! You want the security guard take a look at mr orange shirt over there with his nine hundred gator skin utility boots with the hidden weapon pockets on the ankles!" You said and his eyes turned to the Elf in question now easing behind a pillar having heard what you said, "Or his buddy in the same issued shoes and the lime green fez! I'm not spying on you and I am clearly not paid enough at any of my three jobs to afford to attend school here even with my scholarship! I can eat twice on my funds, once here and once at breakfast and I only get dinner at the diner because it's free with my shift if the customers haven't cleared out the pantry! So trust me when I say I'm not spying on you and if I was then I would demand a raise! Then maybe I could pay off the nine foot shark bean bag that I'm using as a bed in my otherwise empty apartment as I couldn't afford so much as a cot with these absurd rates! So fuck you and your elitist muffin, Your Majesty!"

Behind him his friends smirked at your irritated huff and his spreading dopey expression as you said, "Two more years and then I can take my degree and open up my own snack shop and dominate the market to tear down everything that travesty of an 'organic haven' they boast to be holds dear when they use the same eggs that Tullivan's buys from Orleon's Farms like everyone else in this damn country! Now if you'll excuse me I have to use the last of my eight dollars of fuel crystals for the week to drive my scooter to my job so I can push it home in the rain! All after I've worked nine hours on an empty stomach, powered by sheer spite to be one day closer to my snack filled empire!"

Around him you stormed and with a grin he turned to his friends and said in an adoring hum of a tone, "She has such stunning eyes." Celeborn chuckled in a glance at his feet while Glorfindel rested his hand over his eyes a moment in a hunch of his head to not laugh in his friend's face for his reaction to the verbal lashing he had just won. And on his heel he turned and said, "I am going to buy my Darling Starlight a hearty sandwich. She cannot gain an empire on sheer spite alone. I shall assist her magnificent dream."

Ecthellion beside them chuckled and said "I have to watch this. He'll be the first monarch murdered in an age and all over an overpriced muffin."

Maglor behind him on their way to follow the besotted Prince chuckled out, "I already have the perfect eulogy and song of mourning for the occasion forming in my head."

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