20. Dwalin | No Secrets

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Adjusting the armchair in your sitting room you turned back to your sketch book on the stool beside it and eyed your tin of various pencils for sketching. A knock at your front door brought a smile to your face as your nerves failed to settle once again. Months together and the elder Durins you traveled with still left you feeling a bit uneasy when you were left alone with them. Ages the Dwarves had shied away from outside races so you with your muddled mix from your half breed parents left them baffled at whether to claim you at all. Soon you were welcomed among them, gaining their trust and affections, especially one in particular.

Opening the door your smile deepened as you said, "Good evening Lady Gorgo." Bowing your head to the Dam who led the walk inside as her Husband Gloin followed timidly sliding his fingers over the pattern stitched into the hem of his shirt. Leading them through after re-locking your door your smile returned as Gorgo eyed the room as if she had expected a den of iniquity. Her shimmering cerulean eyes met yours with a sternly jealous expression masked with her forced flick of a smile as she asked, "So where will My Husband be stripping at?"

Moving closer to the pair her eyes trailed over you reaching for your sketch book as you said, "Actually, I only really needed to see the tattoo on his arm." Her shoulders untensed as she glanced at Gloin, "When we were in Rivendell the Men all proudly showed their Kin's markings and earned ink for their achievements. The only one I remember on Gloin was his arm, and perhaps a better look at his freckle on his shin as well, the one that looks like a fish."

Gorgo's head tilted slightly, "I thought this was to be a portrait of them streaking and swimming in the fountains."

You smiled again, "It is. But, not to seem rude or upset you, I got a clear enough image of their basic forms from the distance the first time, enough to fill my basic sketches. Here," you tilted the book to show them the sketches you had made already of Gloin seated on the edge of the fountain watching the game of chicken, nearly complete but with a bare section on his arm, "Even through the clothes I have a good idea of their body shapes, though a few have asked for minor changes all I really did need was the details on the tattoos to get the correct." Turning your head a whistle drew you to say, "That'll be the tea, I'll be right back." Walking in the kitchen leaving the book in her palms she eyed the sketches as Gloin peered over her shoulder to mumble, "See, told ya she wouldn't dare cross my One."

Gorgo turned firing a playful glare at him then faced you with a softer smile spreading to her eyes as she eased through your pouring her tea while you said, "I know this must have been a strange request, and I do hope I've handled it properly, sending you the request I mean. But Tho- Sorry, King, Thorin, requested one of our time in Rivendell were the others are a matter of borrowing the layers wished to be worn in the portrait, I could do those in my sleep with all the details sealed away of their appearances."

Her smile returned as they finished their tea and she patted Gloin's leg saying, "Go ahead and take off your outer shirts, the blue one should be easy enough to roll up for the details." Then turned to you accepting your refill as he followed her allowing his posing, "You handled it properly, thank you for the kindness of it. Normally for the King's requests you wouldn't need to. We all must conform to sate his preferences."

You smirked at her, "I'm sure with King Thorin it isn't actually enforced like that when it concerns something like this."

Your eyes turned to Gloin's arm as Gorgo eased his sleeve higher in a tight fold as you flipped the page starting the sketch as he went into full detail on what each of the elements of the tattoo meant, just as all the other men had done. They both stayed for a short time after as Gorgo came to see just how enjoyable your company was agreeing with her Husband's opinions of you from your Journey together before they both returned to their home to make lunch and return to their duties after.

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