23. Legolas | Spoons

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"You are quite lucky we managed to get you our medicine in time." The Elleth repeated once again after your third check that day after your week long stay in Greenwood. After the bloody battle you had scuffed more than a few egos by locking the Durins in a makeshift cage in Dale under the watch of the stunned Elves around you so you could handle Azog yourself.

A makeshift explosive was attached to the massive crossbow one of the Dwarves had brought and was fired off towards Raven Hill, between the ice and aged rocks worn by Orc drills to secure their banner signals for their troops the top of the ridge broke away sending the orcs down into the icy avalanche crushing them to death. And it was a good thing that you had locked the Dwaves up because in the flurry of a final attack from the bats coming from Gundabad dropping sacks of liquid easily able to kill a Dwarf if it touches them but was mildly irritating to Elves. At your order the Elves ran for cover, even jumping with you into the river if unable to find better shelter and then climbed out again to clear a path to the mountain.

Uncertain glares were what you got when the Durins were freed until Thorin eyed your lean against a wall to support yourself while an Elven healer helped to tie a tourniquet around your thigh so they could remove the dented bite coated lower leg grieve you bore from an attack you took in place of their King. The flashy thrust of a sword made his Elk rear up, turn and run straight into a covered walkway in Dale as he flipped backwards falling to his knees only to see you get jerked away by the hidden warg before a sea of black arrows fell. One of which was buried into your upper back clarifying you hadn't betrayed him, merely saved him, his elk and the Elves behind him.

Word had spread and after your third night in Erebor you had been rushed by Tauriel, sent on an attempted trade mission, back to their lands so very close to death. An odd Elleth in the company of Dwarves and a single Hobbit drew a lot of attention and apparently none of it good. It did not take long to find the reasoning, you were poisoned, and not from the arrow they removed from your back.


The removal of the braces on your arms after the battle revealed a secret gift you had been given, a woven token mingled with a shimmering white hair around your wrist bearing a single amber formed bead with a small forget me not bloom inside it. Among the two blonde Elves in these lands, other than Lord Celeborn in his visit, it was clear just who had gifted it to you along with the bow with you that had been most commonly seen on the back of the Prince claimed to be left behind leaving him with his back up bow from training.

The short time you spent in their Kingdom your distant gaze and aloof manner in the questionings securing you on a tether to Tauriel's side for the celebration you were forced to attend at the King's side so he might work some sort of deal with you. Though his council interrupted constantly between irritated comments from Celeborn spouting off about his troubles with Galadriel and the fight they had triggering her sailing West. That absence allowed his son a chance to claim your attentions for himself.

The glowing vines etched into the skin on the back of your hands stated your age as older than the moon itself and that you were gifted motherhood by Eru without need of a father, clearly explaining your distant gaze when Legolas uncovered your youngest children were barely ten with the eldest expecting a child of her own. No father for her child was mentioned but by the gifted hand carved bead in your hair it marked one of the Durins as the father. No matter the question you held the same gaze while the Prince held his on you with a distant gaze easing onto his face once you had somehow slipped out of the city under nightfall while Tauriel was in counsel with the King just a few doors down.


But the moment you were back again Legolas' mood was vastly raised, as soon as you were free from danger of course. Safe in the same quarters from before you were resting across the bed under the covers as ordered by the King until you were allowed to sit up for your healing teas. Again your mind drifted off and before you knew it your cup was empty the next time you raised it to your lips. The sweet smelling tea settled in the porcelain painted cup coated something quite obvious, with furrowed brows troubling the healer drawing her nearer to you. Softly you mumbled, "Silver" and darted out of bed feeling your gifted silken gown shifting around you in your race towards the sound of the Elf King's voice in the distance.

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