EPISODE 5 PART 8 - Elementary Days

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The most hated day of all times...

Of course, it's the day of the exam. Even elementary students study you know.

"Okay! Exam starts now!" Our teacher yells .

And so everyone started reading their test paper. I read the tests and it's surprisingly easy, maybe because I have this talent of actually remembering everything I want to remember, that's why.

I looked around, and everyone is just devastated and cramming. Some even resort to the most illegal thing to do: 'To Cheat'. And as I can see, Liz is rocking with it, she has the ability to see through any object after all, so it's easy to cheat for her.

And I just realized Mikhael was actually our classmate, but never mind that, I'm looking at him to see if he's cheating, but no, what a righteous fellow even until the end.

Lana... Well, his ability is superspeed so I don't know about him...

Well, as for Cary... She's smart enough to be not needing any help from cheating.

Quinn, that lunatic, he's so clumsy he can't even cheat right.

And as for the rest... Well... Good luck to them


A week later, the exam papers were given back to the owners and everyone got high scores, making them all jump from happiness.

Well... Except for Mikhael who didn't cheat. He's sitting on his desk having a mental breakdown, I think his soul is ready to leave his body...

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