EPISODE 8 - High school

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Nothing much happened after our vacation, except for the fact that my father worked me to the bone to train in combat with him. He's strong! So strong for a human! He's a bad person but it makes me proud that I have an honest father like him. Well, yeah, he's honest, but not in a good way, but still... It's great to have him as a father!


Aaand~ finally! My highschool life will start! Of course, I'm excited, unlike in elementary, a high school campus is all about power and rank, which means I get to fight as many battles as I please! And I'll rise at the top and a 1st ranker, the top 1 strongest student at this new campus of mine! My friends went to the same high school as me, they're like tails, so annoying, but I'm glad they're here.

And there's so many new faces, at least I'd say 95% of the students here are unknown to me. And they're so many varieties of them; some punks, the cool kids, the popular kids, the kids with attitudes, some smart-ass, or dimwits, the likely-to-become-a-group-leader kids, the strong ones, the heartthrobs, troublemakers, nerds, idiots, morons, and a school will never be a true school if bullies are absent, and lastly, I know I'll meet new friends.

But for now, those things aren't that important, what's more important than my social life is that fact that I feel my body changing! Literally! I think I'm different in all aspects. Girls usually grow consistently even during elementary and boys suddenly grow so tall during their high school years.

Okay, let's skip! 2 months since highschool and my body's already changing weirdly. Sometimes, out of nowhere, dark aura start to seep out of me, like its trying to get a chance to go rampant. And I think I'm starting to dream about that woman from years ago, nit just once, but way too often, like almost every night! And what's really weird about it is my dreams itself, it's so unclear and vague, yet I understood that my dreams are all about someone's memories, but I just can't catch up to it. And even when I'm awake and doing just fine during the day, I would suddenly hear voices whispering to my ears, I'd jolt and that'd make people so surprised and confused to What wrong with me. I just ignore it any——

"Clara!! You're spacing put like an idiot again! What's wrong?" Liz yelled at me, making me slightly flinch. "No... There's nothing wrong, why?" I said, trying to act normal. "Don't lie, tell us." She replied. "Well, I keep hearing voices, it's loud but not clear." I said. "Voices that can't be understood, huh?" Quinn mumbled as he frowned like thinking deep. "Know something?" Liz asked, tilting her head to see Quinn's face better. "Why would I?" Quinn looked at Liz and immediately answered.

"I just ignore it anyway, but sometimes it gets really worse, to the point where I'd feel really dizzy and vomit." I said to them as I leaned my fingers between my browns and frowned. "You're going crazy. One day I might just see on somewhere on the streets while playing instruments." Cary confidently said to me, thinking it was funny. "Someone's having a hard time making decent jokes." I said to her, with a smirk on my face. She catched on and glared at me, so I looked away pretending to be looking somewhere while whistling.

"Where's Lana anyway?" Liz asked as she lifts her hand with her palm at the top. "Probably talking to his winged friends out there somewhere." Cary sighed.

"Winged friends?" Liz asked as she tilts her head in confusion. "She meant “birds” you dimwit." Mikhael said as he walks to us and sits on a chair facing it's back and leaned his arms above it. "A dim- what?!! A dimwit?!!" Liz snapped, shouting at Mikhael. She hates it when some calls her dumb, it makes her believe she actually is, so to run away from reality, she'd snap and yell at people calling her that. Its funny because she just yells like crazy but don't really fight them. "Well, sorry, didn't mean to say that." Mikhael apologized.

ClaraTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon