Hello, Sebastian

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 Author's note:

Chapters 1 to 4 serve as an introduction. There you'll become familiar with James' background and witness the start of a new school year, among other events.

If you prefer to start reading from a point where there is already a hint of romance, you are welcome to skip ahead to part 5, "Wild strawberries, spring, and musk". However, I would greatly appreciate it if you could read through the first four chapters to gain a better understanding of the story's foundation ❤️

James sat alone in the compartment, gazing out of the window as the platform bustled with activity. The train was starting to fill up with students, but his friends were nowhere to be seen. He was always the first one because of his father, so it has been his benefit to choose the best compartment and wait for Ominis and Sebastian to join.

But now, for the very first time, the once joyful anticipation of sharing news had transformed into a venomous mix of sorrow and longing.

James dreaded predicting how his heart would react upon seeing his friends after a dull and solitary summer. It had slipped by unnoticed, leaving behind the lingering sensation that winter had never truly ended. Only his skin bore witness to the hours spent training under the sun, bronzing with relentless Quidditch practice.

Resting his cheek on his hand, James gazed lazily out the window, beginnig to fall into sleep, overtaken by a restless night. The compartment door opened and closed intermittently as occasional intruders realized it was already occupied and hurriedly moved on.

Once again, the door swung open, accompanied by a familiar voice exclaiming, "You look terrible, honestly. Didn't you know?"

"Hello, Sebastian," James could guess who was speaking even with his eyes still closed. He shrugged, turning towards Sebastian, who appeared more worn-out than James had remembered.

Dark circles nestled beneath his eyes, and an unusual detachment lingered in his expression, a stark contrast to his usual confident demeanour. There was no need to point it out, James thought, guessing Sebastian was aware of his own dishevelled state.

"Look who managed to arrive just in time. Have you seen Ominis?" James offered a weak smile, reminiscing about the time Sebastian had been so tardy for the train that he had to sprint after it, trunk in tow, while James and Ominis attempted to catch both Sebastian and the trunk.

"You don't tell me that he hasn't come yet? Usually, he's already-" The door abruptly slid open with a resounding bang.

"And if I hear you jinxed one more first-year, I will cause you great trouble without having second thoughts. You have my word." Here he was.

"What's all that fuss about?" James raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"Oh, hello, James. Sebastian." Ominis sighed irritably as he slumped down next to James. "I cannot believe my father pushed me into this Prefect thing." He tapped the shiny badge on his chest. "Actually, this should be expected. I'm not prominent enough for the House of Gaunt in their opinion. But I was more than satisfied when they pretended I did not exist."

"But now each annoying... Weasley, for example, will cost their House points. You can even give them detentions," Sebastian responded dreamily.

"That is precisely why you should never have access to certain things," Ominis remarked, devoid of any humour.

Sebastian's smile vanished instantly, and he turned away grimly. The recent events were still fresh in their memories, making it a delicate subject to discuss. Normally, Sebastian would continue to banter, but this altered version of him sat in silence. James, who typically acted as the calming presence, was now perpetually annoyed.

"I will be on my way. See you at the castle," Ominis declared. "I need to coordinate duties with Imelda. Hopefully, she will take up corridor patrol. The mere thought of having to patrol alone is already giving me a headache."

"Did you speak with Anne?" James asked Sebastian carefully when they were left alone.

"She refuses to talk to me. I don't even know where she is. I'm afraid I've lost her forever," Sebastian replied, avoiding eye contact.

"You know she still loves you. She just needs time to accept you back," James reassured him.

"I hope you're right. But unfortunately, we don't have much time left with her. I'm..." Sebastian stuttered, carefully choosing his words and finishing in a quieter tone, "afraid that one day it'll be over, and this will be the last memory she has of me."

James looked at Sebastian with compassion and sat beside him, no extra words needed.

"We wrote a lot to each other this summer. I mean, me and Anne," James spoke cautiously.

"Yes? What did she say?" Sebastian couldn't hide his hope.

"She's confused about her feelings, that's for sure. But she misses you. And we all understand that neither I nor Ominis can replace you."

"I'll keep trying to make amends for my mistakes. I can't bring Solomon back, but at least I can ensure that the people I care about will no longer suffer because of my choices," Sebastian pleaded, looking at James. "Can you tell her that?"

It was the first time Sebastian expressed regret and remorse towards James as well. It was unexpected for James to hear this right at the beginning of their reunion.

James felt foolish for thinking that Sebastian didn't care about their friendship at all. He was still angry and disappointed, but seeing Sebastian in pain made it nearly impossible to hold onto that annoyance.

He closed his eyes and let out a sigh. "Of course, I will tell her."

The corridor echoed with hurried stomping as students boarded at the very last moment. Doors slammed shut, and lively blabbering filled the air. Soon, the train began to pick up speed.

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