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The wind was loungingly breathing and the sun rays pampered the gentle skin. A thin blanket slipped down, exposing Ominis' back. He was still sleeping tightly with his arms around the pillow.

Honestly, sometimes James felt himself like a creep, capturing every bit of Ominis. He was hoping it will stop eventually.

"One. Two. Five. Five moles on the back", he counted them without second thoughts. It has become his mind exercise: noting details about him. James gently kissed him between the shoulder blades.

He thought that morning will be more awkward than night. But he felt pretty natural around Ominis and, strangely enough, less nervous than yesterday.

James sighed, he felt as if he was about to commit a crime. It was already noon, time to wake up. James' hand raised in doubt, eyes full of pity. He overpowered himself and put it on Ominis.

"Morning", the whisper, then hand gently stroking his back. "You're such a sleepyhead."

Ominis' face squeezed tighter into the pillow.

"You can't escape in there, I'm sorry."

The muffled half-moan and half-whining.

"Well, yes. I guess I understand. You can still have a little sleep while I'm in the shower. Do I need to check on you after?"

Ominis shook his head negatively.

James kissed his nape. "All right." His eyes caught some red spots on Ominis' neck, he leaned, pressing lips against them: "I should make something from marks for you." Ominis' ears went pink.


Since Ominis has been living with James, cooking became an unbearable business for him. On the one hand, James wanted to impress him, so he, James, could be perfect at everything. On the other, he really did cook terribly.

James' shoulder twitched from unexpected touching. Ominis' forehead leaned on his back.

"How did you learn to walk so stealthily?"

"Oh, James", he said with a lenient laugh, patting James' hair. "I'm jealous you can ask these questions."

"Sorry. By the way, before I forget-", he turned around. "Can I, please? I found some Wiggenweld gel in our storage." He unbuttoned Ominis' collar and started to apply it to the marks.

"Thank you", Ominis seemed embarrassed by this.

James paused: "There are also some of them a bit lower. But they are invisible under clothes. Do you want to keep them?"

"If you are confident that they couldn't be seen..."


"Not this again, no!" Ominis protested. "You should have at least one recipe at home."

"Of course, I have some. Choose any potion you like. I can even grow gills."

"Haaa- Let me think."

James' sight fell on his mother's portrait, he noted a pulling feeling near the solar plexus. "Why not? Will be stupid to hide it forever."

"Actually, I remember that I have a recipe book."

James went upstairs to his room and get headlong to the closet. He was searching for a book in an old box, putting aside the dress, photo album and other memories. Finally, he pulled it out. The bloated book, with incuts from newspapers, shabby from frequent usage. He hurried down.

"Found it. Let's see breakfast pages", he flipped through it. "This sounds nice. Flour, eggs- Whiskey- No."

Ominis chuckled: "What is the reason for suffering from Azkaban food when you have recipes even including whiskey?"

"I don't often appeal to any of Mother's things", James dropped casually. "Here is perfect and simple enough."


James tied an apron on himself and helped Ominis. He was mixing up ingredients in a bowl. His face was too serious and concentrated for this task.

They had only started, but the kitchen table was already a mess. James didn't care about such things. He was reading: "Now you should add some more milk. Here-", he procured the proper amount in a cup and levitated it to Ominis. "Mix it. Then a final portion of flour and we are half done."

Ominis opened the pack too harshly, flour rose into the air. He sneezed, scattering it on himself. This was followed by a few more uncontrollable sneezes.

"Here, here", James took the pack from him, while there is still some flour left and poured it into a bowl. "You are silly." Ominis' eyes were in tears, his hair white. He was giggling, continuing his part.

James felt something poke his cheek and it became greasy. "Is it good?", Ominis was pointing his finger with the dough on.

He chuckled, wiping the cheek and tasting it: "Yes, perfect. Now, do you want to cook it all by yourself?" Ominis nodded.

James tapped the iron stove with his wand, it lit with green flames: "Come here", he lightly embraced Ominis' waist from behind. He was pouring the circles on the pan with his wand, and then levitating it to the stove. James prompted when the pancakes are ready to be flipped.

Ominis looked diligent, he was always meticulous about things that captivated his attention. James watched him, admiring. He felt a silly tingling inside his chest. Once again, he wanted to do something, anything.

"I'm sorry", he said, kissing Ominis' temple and unbuttoning his shirt.

"What for? What is the matter?"

James bared his shoulder, kissing it ardently till one more red mark appeared.

"James- I should concentrate."

Some more hot kisses on his skin.

"Don't tell me that you're marking me again?"

"You told me it's acceptable if they're unseen", James muffled through the kiss, then buttoning back Ominis' shirt. "And I said I was sorry."

"No, you were not."

"No, I was not", James mocked him, teasing Ominis' ear with ticklish kisses.


It was hard to call that breakfast since it was served in the middle of the day. The seedlings in the yard have finally blossomed, fencing the small low bench. James took the whole of it, laying with his feet hanging from the armrest. An empty plate on his stomach. Sweet breakfasts made him too lazy to move.

Ominis was eating on the go, checking the flowers. His voice wafted up to James through his nap.

"Can I ask you something?"


"There is your mother's portrait in the living room. But I've never heard her speaking, why is that? You don't have to answer if it's too personal."

"No, that's all right", James was enjoying the warmth of the day, laying with his eyes closed. "This portrait was made when she was still with us. And it was her wish to leave it silent."

"But why? I gave it a lot of thought lately and found it confusing. It would be nice to get to know her at least like this. To know how she sounded."

James kept silent for a while.

"She wanted us to live a full life without sticking to the past. In her idea speaking portraits gave false hope. And could drive you mad."

"This... Makes sense."

Ominis sat near densely planted daisies. "When my time comes, it would be for the better to do the same."

James looked at him from the corner of his eye.

"You don't know what you are talking about", he threw it bluntlier than it was planned. "Only a selfish person would take away the choice of deciding what is the best for one. There is nothing noble in here."

"Forgive me. You sound mad at her."

James stuck for a second on these words. He didn't think about it from this side before.

"I guess yes. Yes, I am."

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now