That one time

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The first month of summer has ended, which meant only a week and a half was left until James' birthday. He tried to act like it was not a big deal, but Ominis sensed he was just pretending. He heard it in a way he sighed, nervously tapped his fingers, or how repeatedly checked his own reflection first thing every morning as if he expected to see the whole year change after one night.

It was obvious to Ominis if James was a Birthday or a Christmas person. He has never acted this fidgety before the second one. Ominis didn't understand how he hadn't noticed this earlier.

James watched out for his reputation. It was necessary, according to his own words, to be the one who has power in the room. But James doesn't like to think of himself as arrogant, though. In his opinion, if you have a desire for achievement, you can't reject power. Another question is how, actually, you'll use it.

So it was unlike him to lose any kind of control. Ominis often felt that James was out of reach, it was impossible to truly understand his mind. Previously this raised a number of questions. Did James trust Ominis? Why didn't he talk about himself much?

It became easier only this summer when for the first time in all years, he shared something more than restrained facts about his mother. And now he was becoming more and more uncovered with each day.

He felt like a big warm cat, flexing and purring under your hands. Still could bite, but you can't stop loving it.

Ominis remembered that one particular time when they accidentally turned to the wrong class. They were in their third grade and got to the fifth-year Charms.

James told with huge self-confidence that it'll be a snap and, in fact, more important than Herbology. He even managed to convince Professor Ronen to let them stay. For what he was later reprimanded by Professor Sharp. Because "you can't disrespect Herbology if you want to succeed with potions".

Ominis shook his head, smiling.

"What's so funny?"

James took a break from his work. It was a week since he's been tinkering with the broom saddle by his own design. Ominis didn't feel as much help but tried to do at least what he could. He held the tools and cast charms that James asked for, but that was all work for him. So he drifted into contemplation.

"I remembered when you persuaded me to stay at the Advanced Charms. In our third grade. You were cockier than Sebastian!"

"I was not! And I dealt with half of the lesson. I estimate my abilities precisely."

"You are being cocky now", Ominis grinned.

"All right, that was just one situation. I simply had a bit... Rebel mood."

Ominis laughed: "Don't fool yourself."

"Oh, yes? Then give me one more example." James looked at him with a challenge.

If an outsider would listen to them, it might seem as if they were quarrelling. But actually, it was all in the day's work to mock each other from time to time.

"Mmm", Ominis thought for a minute, trying not to burst into laughter. "Oh, this one is hilarious."

"Fill me in."

"Remember the first time when you offered me help with flying?" James' ears went red. And Ominis continued: "Sebastian introduced us at the-"

"-Professor Kogawa's class", mumbled James.

"True", Ominis enjoyed his embarrassment. "Obviously, I couldn't boast of success. The broom even refused to get up. Then you grounded next to me and said-", Ominis imitated James' voice. "You should be stricter or it won't obey."

James already knew where this story is leading. He made a quacking sound as if he coughed unsuccessfully.

"And I said to you, 'Do you think this is the only reason why I cannot fly? I am blind.'"

"-you moonmind."

"Pardon me?"

"Khm. You said: 'I am blind, you moonmind", James faltered. "And I answered- That- 'I see that you're blind, but not dumb.' Haaa-", he sighed heavily. " And added that I taught how to fly Dean and in comparison, for the blind, it'll be easier."

"I told you were chesty!"

"Honestly, I watched you've been trying to mount for two years. And then, when we became friends, it felt appropriate to tell you so. Before I was sort of embarrassed to suggest you any help with that. And I still don't think that you can't fly", James added with a note of hope. "Perhaps that part could be charming in some way?"

"I was irked!" Ominis haven't looked this sprightly in a long time. "I distinctly remember how often that day I called you different nouns. And a month after. All I was thinking how arrogant someone should be to scoff at me for my deficiency."

"Sorry. I didn't mean it to sound like that."

"I understood that after. This shall be a confession. Your words reminded me once more that I am capable of more than I expected of myself."

"So you didn't fall for me then?"

Ominis made a quiet laugh: "Forgive me, no." He reached for James' hands and kissed his knuckles. "But that was close."


"Are you hungry?" James was too passionate about work, he didn't answer. "James? James!"

"M? Oh, yes."

"I can make something. What would you like?"

"You want to cook by yourself?"

Ominis gave him a meaningful look: "You don't have to worry. I can handle the cooking."

"All right. Then do it your way, you have a better taste."

"I will call you."

Ominis gave him a small kiss, leaving James with the feeling that he doesn't fully understand what just happened.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now