The vow

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It was almost December, signalling the nearing end of this year's Quidditch season. Ravenclaw won the game with Hufflepuff and Gryffindor flattened Ravenclaw. With these outcomes, Slytherin still had a chance to secure the Inter-House Cup.

James rushed from the Owlery, tightly clutching a letter in his hand.

"Dear James,

I returned to Feldcroft. I think it is time for me to confront my grief.

You can't imagine how much I miss all of you. And Sebastian... But I can't bear to face him.

Home feels empty as if the walls themselves whisper to me. Yet, I believe it is merely the echoes of memories.

Please come and visit me, if you have time.


He stormed into the Common Room, breathless, and found Ominis seated near the fireplace, engrossed in his homework.

"Anne is back!" James blurted out, starting his explanation halfway. "And she's asked us to meet her. Do you still want to go with the plan?"

"I'm afraid we have no other choice," Ominis replied. "We need to find Sebastian."


The Undercroft glowed with the flickering light of numerous candles. Within the dancing flames, there stood three figures. 

One stood illuminated, bathed in the gentle glow. Another lurked in the shadows, concealing its form. And the last figure existed beyond.

The Darkness was furious, moving restlessly through the space, intruding upon old memories. Yet, the Light stood unwavering. Its icy gaze held the ghosts of the lost behind.

The wave rose high from the depths of the dusk. It strangled the candles and suffused the surroundings with a dense veil of smoke.

Neither darkness nor light remained. The Last left no choice.


James rapped on the door, the sound echoing through the quiet hallway. Footsteps approached from within, slow and deliberate until the door finally swung open. There stood Anne, her complexion pale, dark circles etched beneath her tired eyes, and her lips dry and cracked.

"Oh, James! Ominis!" she exclaimed, but her enthusiasm was abruptly interrupted by a sudden wave of pain.

James's heart tightened, witnessing the toll that time had taken on her. It was a sight he had dreaded, for no amount of preparation could help him to deal with this encounter.

"Take it easy, don't rush," he said, embracing Anne gently and pecking her on the cheek. Together, they entered the house.

The atmosphere inside was heavy and somber. Covered windows allowed only dim rays of light to filter through, revealing the dusty furniture and stagnant air. James drew his wand, casting cleaning spells that gradually transformed the room into a more inviting and livable space.

Ominis took Anne's hand as they settled at the table. "You cannot imagine how much we've missed you. How have you been?" he asked.

"I... needed some time alone. But now it's time for me to return," Anne replied, casting a comforting gaze at Ominis. "I can't afford to keep running. My strength is fading."

Ominis tightened his grip on her hand. "Almost every night, I dream of us living the same life we once had. I wish it were possible."

"You can still live that life, Ominis. Even without me, it can be fulfilling," she reassured, gently caressing his arm with her finger.

"Actually, we've been pondering whether anything can be changed. But ultimately, it's your decision," James interjected, putting the finishing touches on the house cleaning.

"Yes," Ominis sighed. "Sebastian crossed a line, and it is understandable that you can no longer trust him. And... accept him."

Anne's hand trembled at the mention of Sebastian's name.

"We see only one solution to make him accountable for his actions and ensure the safety of himself and others. He needs to make an Unbreakable Vow," Ominis explained.

Anne withdrew her hand from Ominis's grasp.

"How does that help me accept what he did?" she questioned, her voice tinged with scepticism.

"It can only help to assure you about his intentions," James added. "Sebastian will carry the weight of his deeds for the rest of his life. But we can guide him onto the right path this one last time." 

"Why is it that when you're dying," Ominis winced slightly, but Anne continued unfazed, "people stop seeing you as a person? Suddenly, all that matters is how others will live after you're gone."

James was struck by the raw honesty of her words.

"You're right," he whispered. "It's your decision, and you should listen to what brings you peace."

Silence enveloped the room. And in that profound stillness, Anne finally spoke.

"I love Sebastian. And more than anything, I wish this was all a nightmare. But now, the best I can hope for is to spend the time I have left with the only loved ones who remain," her voice trembled. "We should do this."


Scattered rays of light pierced through the window, dividing the room into halves. One figure stood in the light, another in the shadows, and the last held a pale bird tenderly within its arms.

"Will you, Sebastian, renounce the dark arts?" Asked Ominis, his voice steady and resolute.

"I will", echoed the voice.

Silvery threads erupted from Ominis' wand, binding the hands of both Anne and Sebastian together.

"And will you, Sebastian, abstain from the use of dark magic, even at the risk of your own life?" 

Sebastian hesitated briefly, contemplating the weight of his commitment, "I will."

The threads of silver encircled their joined arms, glowing with a radiant brilliance before dispersing into a myriad of sparkling fragments. Anne, weakened by the intensity of the moment, leaned heavily against James.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now