Start of the year

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The school year began at a rapid pace, leaving James torn between preparing for Quidditch trials and attending his classes. He couldn't help but wonder why he had to take so many courses this year. He wasn't even sure what he wanted to do after graduation anymore. So what's this struggle for, just in case?

From the very first day of the semester, he almost never had proper time with Ominis and Sebastian. They would cross paths during lessons or in the Great Hall, but those encounters were brief and fleeting.

"I wish no one would bother me today",  with this Ominis joined for breakfast. There was no sign of Sebastian around.

Ominis was consumed by his Prefect duties. Every time James caught a moment with him, it would turn into a litany of complaints. James often entertained the thought of replacing himself with a dummy, confident that Ominis wouldn't even notice. It was amusing how people assumed Ominis was the quiet one, while from James' perspective, he was the one who silently backed them.

"Right. Listen, I got to go", James interjected, cutting off Ominis before he could delve into another ramble. It felt as if James were merely present for the aesthetics in these monologues. 

The week flew by unnoticed, and soon it was Saturday — the perfect day to begin recruiting members for the team.

James knew they already had one chaser, Imelda, from the previous team. However, they still needed to find two more chasers, beaters, and most importantly, a seeker.


It hadn't always been this way between James and Ominis. They used to meet spontaneously in the Slytherin common room after particularly tough days, near the windows overlooking the lake. During those moments, the castle was already asleep, allowing them to take a brief respite between today and tomorrow.

These meetings were never planned, but James missed the sense of completeness they brought. It wasn't the same without hearing Ominis read chapters aloud when James struggled to concentrate on them alone. Or observing him leaning against the stone wall with closed eyes while James described the gentle rain pouring outside the window and all the chimerical designs it made in the lake. 

Expressing every detail to Ominis had become a habit for James, despite knowing that Ominis could partially see for himself — bright blobs and shapes. Nevertheless, Ominis would lean his head to James' side and remain quietly attentive, absorbing James' soothing voice without interruption.

James also missed Sebastian dearly. Their dynamic was different compared to his friendship with Ominis. Sebastian never shied away from a bit of rule-breaking, and he would constantly bring up unexpected topics, asking thought-provoking questions without hesitation before swiftly moving on to another subject.

Sebastian's mind was always filled with ideas, making it difficult for James to fall asleep as he hung his head from the top bunk, passionately discussing what "they" should do next. Now, Sebastian seemed to be lost in the library, no one knew what he was studying there now.

It appeared there wasn't much reason left to call for the Undercroft these days.


The dampness from the recent rain lingered in the air, but the visibility was excellent, making it an ideal weather condition for the upcoming game.

"We're all set, just waiting for you to start," Imelda greeted.

"Perfect, thank you. Give me a minute, and I'll join you. It's a relief to have you back in the team. The other players will be a surprise," James replied, returning her smile.

"I still need to compete for the chaser position," she answered seriously, but from a look at her, you could see she was flattered.

James didn't expect to find a queue for the trial. But this way was even better. He divided the participants into two teams to ensure they could have a qualifying match.

Despite the fact that no one, apart from Imelda, had trained as hard as they had the previous year, the results were promising. They managed to find a not-so-bad seeker, good enough chasers and even too much enthusiastic beaters.

As James returned to the common room in the dark evening, he felt tired but satisfied with the day's progress. His gaze instinctively shifted to the spot near the angled window, only to find unfamiliar figures occupying it.

James felt an unpleasant sting. What had he expected to find there?

As he passed the neighbouring room, he could hear giggling, which bothered him more than he cared to admit. He closed his own door tightly, shutting out the unsettling sound.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now