I like it when you swear

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Author's note:

Get ready for a whole bunch of super cute chapters! We'll take a breather before things start getting all tangled up in the second section. 

"And then we went to the river. Everything was perfect. She turned out to be really witty," Sebastian recounted, helping himself to a generous portion of lunch. It seemed he genuinely enjoyed the date.

"Mm-hmm," James absentmindedly spun in his seat, his gaze fixed on the front doors.

"Merlin's beard, can't you sit still? He'll be here soon. Ever since you two started dating, you've been acting like a fool," Sebastian remarked.

"Who says? Oh, hello, Kattie," James replied casually.

Sebastian turned around abruptly, causing his orange juice to spill onto his plate. There was no one behind him. "Ha-ha. Very funny. How old are you, five?"

But James couldn't deny that he had become unexpectedly needy. He couldn't keep his mind from Ominis. When they had different classes, James would rush out of his own lesson's end to catch Ominis first.

It became a routine. If Ominis' class was delayed, James would anxiously pace around, awaiting his arrival. No matter how often he had already seen Ominis emerge from the classroom door, his heart would flutter with excitement each time.

He would pick up his bag, take his hand, and listen attentively as Ominis shared all that he had experienced during the past hour.


It was a particularly drowsy Wednesday. The nearer winter approached, the shorter days grew.

They had barely made it through the day. James sat at Ominis' feet as he dozed off in the chair. James had been struggling to finish the chapter, but the crackling fireplace, Ominis' sleepy sighs, and the dull book offered no choice. He closed it, deciding to call it a day.

Even though it was still evening, it felt like night. James turned around, sensing that everyone was in a similar mood. He stood up, stretching.

"Are you leaving?" Ominis barely opened his eyes.

"No, I want to..." James cracked his fingers, causing Ominis to scowl a bit, he didn't like those sounds. "Do something. Anything."

"I agree," Ominis replied, falling silent for a minute. "Remember when I told you it is impossible for me to maintain the same level of friendship with Sebastian?"

"Of course."

"I have to confess... I've always felt jealous seeing the two of you sharing a room. It must be fun to have a friend to talk to like that. Sometimes when I pass by your door, I can hear the two of you laughing out loud. And now, it feels lonelier than ever."

"I didn't know you felt this way. You should have told me. We thought you found us loud enough to tolerate our company all day."

"Well, you are noisy, but I still wouldn't mind sharing a room with you. I didn't tell you this, but in our fourth year, I asked the Headmaster to move me. However, it seems my father asked him not to do so."

"What? Why would he ask for that?"

"Perhaps he doesn't want me to become closer to friends whom he deems pure-blood traitors. There is no logic to be found here."

"You know what?" James took Ominis' hand. "We're in our sixth year, and it would be a shame if we ran out of time without doing everything we wanted. Walk with me."

"James, I appreciate your effort, but it is impossible. If this old rat didn't want me to move, there is nothing you can do."

"Old rat?" James chuckled. "I love it when you swear."

They walked to Ominis' room first.

"Grab your things."

"What things? James, I don't understand..."

"You're going to stay with us tonight."


In truth, staying overnight in a neighbour's room went against the rules, but naturally, the students ignored it.

"I don't understand divination!" Charlie exclaimed, leaning against the wall. "How am I supposed to make predictions if I can't see a thing?" He had been carrying a cup of leftover tea all day, hoping to find some sort of insight in it.

"I can help you. Give me some numbers," Sebastian offered from his bunk.

"Um... Five? And eleven?"

"Five and eleven. Very good," Sebastian replied, rustling the newspaper. "According to this, you'll be eating frogs tomorrow. You can add that to your chart."

"Doesn't it say you're a moron?" Dean interjected with boredom.

James grinned as they played magical chess with Ominis, sprawled out on the floor. Dean had charmed the chess pieces to swear every time they lost one.

"Blasted fool!" shouted James' king, and Ominis giggled.

It was nice to see Ominis so relaxed. It wasn't every day that you got to witness this side of him. He rarely allowed himself to be carefree. Now, he lay with his cheek resting on his hand, completely at ease.

"What are you laughing at?" James asked, joining in the laughter.

"You can't beat me, can you?" Ominis' eyes sparkled.

"I simply don't want to."

"Another game then?"

"You bet." 


As it was time to sleep, James whispered, "You don't need to go back if you don't want to," when the lights went down.

"Is it... Will it be comfortable if I stay?" Ominis asked.

"Questionable, since we only have one bed. But at least you won't be alone," James reassured him.

James tenderly kissed Ominis' face, his fingers lightly caressing James' hair. It took a form of a confession between two people who had known each other for so long that it felt like a natural expression of their bond.

Gradually, Ominis' breathing grew slower and more even, a sign that he had entered a peaceful sleep. His breath gently brushed against James' neck, creating a soothing sensation. However, James found himself unable to close his own eyes, as he restlessly worshipped Ominis in his slumber, cherishing the tranquillity that enveloped them both.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now