The small 'please'

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Author's note:

You've proceeded so far! I'll give you a smut reward ❤️ 

There will be no more warnings about this in other chapters.

The procession started with James. There used to be a paved path here. Now it was his job to find a way. He сut it through wild thickets. High grass whipped James' hands. Insects were chirping, awakened by the intrusion.

The pair of thin shoes dangled, scribbling Sebastians from the sides. Anne's weak hands clenched his shoulders as he carried her on the back. Deep shadows lay under his eyes. Sebastian's skin, usually dazzling with freckles, now was transparent. The two of them were fading together. Born arm-in-arm, sentenced to hold this grip to the end.

Ominis pinched a straw hat in his hands. Sometimes Anne's hair, brought by the wind, tickled his face. He let the legs carry him with his mind staying silent.

They made their way up to the hill.


The mighty apple tree cast the only shadow on the hill. A low murmur fluttered over the space. Spoiled by daylight heat, the wind was lazily wafting the smell of dry herbs.

James turned around, looking into the distance at the single tree. Anne's head was resting on Ominis' shoulder, her eyes closed. Sebastian laying on the ground, his lips moving, but James couldn't catch words.

He raised his face to the sun, trying to burn this picture off. No matter how hard James wanted to run away with all velocity this hill could give, he needed to tame this desire. Some things remain existing even if your eyes can't see them.

He followed the murmur back to the tree's shadow, facing this image. Sebastian's voice became observable.

"Not even the merpeople know all of the ocean's secrets. Especially we'll never have such knowledge. And still-", he sounded melancholic, familiar cheeky notes gone. "we should travel to see it once more."

James' fingers fleetly touched Ominis' ear,  tucking in a strand of regrown hair behind it. He slightly pressed his cheek to James' hand.

The sun barely broke through the dense foliage. Apples already turned pink and some of them had full red blush. He stretched to the nearest strong branch, pulling himself up. His feet found a place to climb.

James' body desperately reached up to the warm. He lifted the edges of his shirt, scooping the fruits in it.

"How do you always have eyes for this?" Anne's voice got up to him.

He jumped off, some apples flew out of the shirt. "Sometimes I just want to absorb all the life I can."

"How's that?" she looked puzzled.

James landed on the ground, got a folding knife out of his pocket, and started to peel apples.

"They were watered with rain, pampered by sun and listened to wind's fables", some juice drops flowed down James' elbows. "They may have witnessed stars falling. Or someone like us sitting here. When their time ends, they could become the soil or the part of you."

"So poetic", Ominis smiled with his eyes.

James fed them with apple slices, which were already sweetened by summer. And Sebastian was telling stories about places they must visit.


The sunset burned out, sowing the sky with star crumbs. Ominis' hand was keeping James'. They walked silently back home, each in their own mind. Nocturnal insects were whispering in the dark.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now