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He was pinching the grass with his toes, still wet from dew, it pleasantly tickled the feet. The sun hasn't completely dried it yet. His trousers were rolled up to the calf and a clumsy ladybug climbed up on his leg. James thought it should be like a jungle for her to wade through his hair. He was curious to see if she succeeded.

"Would you sit still?"

Amazingly how being friends differs from being in love. You can pal a person for years, but then, in a few months, acquire more inside senses than for all the time you've known each other.

Ominis was cutting James' hair, which became one more routine. He got better at it every time.

"I wish I could have more beauty marks. Especially on my face."

James was chewing the toast, an almost empty plate lay on his lap. He took a piece of bacon with his hand and put it on the toast, then licked his fingers.

"How did you end up here?" Ominis sounded slightly detached, all his attention was riveted to the process.

"You have lots of moles. And it's bewitching. As if they were pointing at me: 'Look here. Look how beautiful he is. Look at his cheeks. Now have a look at his eyes. Don't you also see how nice his skin is? Perfect, isn't it?'"

Ominis gave him a warm smile. He has gradually begun to accept compliments more calmly. But at first, his ears didn't stop being red while he denied every word.

"Why is it bothering you? Don't you want to look at me?"

James sighed: "I want and I do. All the time. Not sure, if it's right. I becoming this creepy obsessive person. And then these moles of yours grab my attention. As if I wasn't thinking enough about you already."

The ladybug made half of its way to the knee. Ominis' cheeks turned the colour of its wings. But these revelations were still uneasy for him.

"There is nothing wrong with the way you feel. I am catching myself wanting to feel your presence all the time."

"Can you tell me this more often? Hourly will be the best. Otherwise, I start to think I'm alone in this."

Ominis chuckled: "Cannot promise to make it hour by hour, but I do promise to tell you this regularly."

The strand fell on top of James' toast and he blew it off, continuing to eat.

"Haaa- But still, I have only a few moles on the body. Do you know what I find most unfair? Sebastian having the freckles! Him, the autumn person, and not me! My face could be so bright in summer. Freckles are the sunniest thing to exist."

"Close your eyes and finish the food, please."

He stuffed the rest of the toast into himself at once. Ominis bent James' head forward, messing up his hair. The remains of cut hair rose into the air.

Then he crouched before James, now meticulously checking the results. "I am satisfied", he concluded after a while.

His hands went up to James' face, taking it in the palms: "And about that freckles nonsense. You are the sunniest and summeriest thing. No freckles could make you even brighter. This is impossible."


James sat down on the kitchen base cabinet, watching Ominis preparing the dinner and sometimes telling him what was next, reading from a book.

Ominis patted his knee, then held out his open hand. James looked blankly at the palm and slapped it in response. Ominis chuckled: "Not this, spices."

"Oh, right." He reached up and handed him a couple of jars from the shelf.

"Do you have any plans for your birthday?" Ominis was making final preparations.

"You tell me."

"Understood. I will take care of it."

James jumped off the cabinet and bent over the pan. For him, this pie smelled like the most delicious food he ever ate.

"Only- Don't overthink. I want the laziest day, without anything extraordinary at all."

"You can count on me."

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now