Flower language

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"Now, please proceed to the beasts," Professor Howin instructed, leading the class to the paddocks.

James was assigned to kneazles and began to curry them. The beasts were familiar with him, allowing him to approach without hesitation. He could have used charms to expedite the process, but there was something soothing about tending to them with his own hands.

As a matter of fact, James had chosen the Creature Class without any practical reason. It wasn't a requisite for his future career as an Auror, and he hadn't given much thought to his profession until recently. Following in his father's footsteps seemed like the rational path, so he blindly pursued it.

Outside of class, he often found himself visiting the paddocks. It became his personal sanctuary, a space where neither Ominis nor Sebastian would intrude. As much as he enjoyed their company, James cherished having this small haven all to himself.

For Ominis, his personal space was the Muggle Studies Class, which he tenaciously pursued despite the disapproval of his family. James admired Ominis' fortitude and unwavering commitment.

Sebastian, on the other hand, had found his refuge in the Restricted Section of the library. He had become somewhat of a legend at Hogwarts due to the numerous outings he made there.


James stood at the castle gates, eagerly awaiting Ominis' arrival. He anxiously straightened his robes and turned to every person who emerged from the entrance.

Although he had been on dates before, this particular one seemed to have stirred up clumsiness and nervousness within him. The fact that Ominis was also in Slytherin and they crossed paths throughout the day only added to his unease.

His previous dating experiences, if they could be called "successful" at all, were less than ideal. The first time, he went out with Ember from Ravenclaw, who spoke extensively about subjects he had never even heard of. Despite considering himself knowledgeable, he was uttering mere "Eees" throughout the entire conversation. 

Then there was Ivy from Hufflepuff, with whom he even shared a first kiss. However, she ended up dating the Hufflepuff Seeker shortly after. And let's not forget Olivia, whom he dated for a while, but their connection simply didn't work out.

Now, for the first time, he had been invited on a date. Ominis was not just his best friend anymore; James had started to develop deeper feelings for him. However, he hadn't fully accustomed himself to these newfound emotions.

Finally, James spotted Ominis approaching and hurried over to him, perhaps a bit too enthusiastically.

"James! Please forgive my tardiness. Have you been waiting long? Some Gryffindor fourth-years enchanted the suits of armour, and they were chasing after everyone. I had to catch both the students and the suits," Ominis explained, sighing. "It was quite a task."

"No worries, I've just arrived. Your hair is slightly dishevelled, let me fix it," James said as he tidied Ominis' tousled locks. "Hmm. Enchanted knight armour, you say? Let's not give Sebastian any ideas, please."


They strolled to the Hogsmeade, engaging in light-hearted conversations, laughing, and occasionally partaking in lively banter. James felt a sense of peace settling over him, relishing the moment. It was the first date when he felt so fully immersed and connected.

"Are you hungry?" James asked Ominis as they arrived in the village.

"Mmm, not really, are you?"

"Me neither. But you seem a bit chilly," he remarked, gently touching Ominis' nose. "Yes, just as I suspected."

They decided not to go to the Three Broomsticks for a change. Instead, James selected a charming cafe adorned with flowers on its tables and windows. He adored autumn, yet yearned for the warmth of the sun and the vibrant meadows. This place instantly caught his attention.

They settled at a cosy corner table and ordered hot beverages. Ominis curiously ran his fingers over the petals of the flowers. "What are these?"

"These," James guided his hands, "are anemones. You can feel how delicate and thin their petals are. They're sometimes called 'windflowers'. Even the light wind will blow them open. In the language of flowers, they symbolize fragility or the importance of cherishing the moment since it can easily slip away."

"Huh. I wish I could see them", said Ominis in a lower voice. It wasn't often when he mentioned his sight out loud.

"I am more than capable of doing everything I need to, but sometimes it's a... pity that I only have practical knowledge of beauty. I could know the uses of dittany, but not its true appearance. As a result, I have stopped paying attention to their scent, texture, and the significance behind their names."

Ominis looked so vulnerable at that moment. He made James' heart feel full of tenderness and appreciation for the trust being bestowed upon him. James reached out and gently held Ominis' other hand. It was warm from the cup.

"I'm sorry, Ominis. If you allow me, I would share everything I see with you. You can feel the beauty through me instead."

"I want you to teach me more. Please," Ominis responded, his cheeks and nose turning from soft pink to a deeper shade of red.

James will never understand how he Ominis managed to be simultaneously shy and direct. When James felt timid, he could never express himself so openly.

"Mmm. Let me think. Here. You can sense how bold these flowers are. If you press a petal with your nail, you can feel its fullness. Even after being trampled before, they revive from a single rain."

"They carry the scent of spring grass after a downpour." Ominis's lashes nearly brushed against the bouquet.

"Mm. Chrysanthemums. Flowers of pure happiness. They lack elaborate allegories, but in a world filled with sorrow, we should treasure the simplicity of little things the most."

Visitors came and went, but they stayed and conversed for hours, finding warmth in their drinks and indulging in sweets for the entire week ahead. 

James crafted a small bouquet with flowers he gathered nearby. As evening approached, they left Hogsmeade, and the first droplets of rain began to fall from the sky.

"We should use the Floo Network before it starts pouring," suggested Ominis.

And within minutes, the rain really started. James tightly grasped Ominis' hand, holding the bouquet in his other, and dashed down the road.

"Wait, James! There was a Floo point! Where are you rushing to?"

"You said you wanted to feel! Free it!"

Water streamed beneath their robes, while the wind tousled their hair as they ran, unabashedly splashing through puddles and soaking themselves. They only halted near the entrance of Hogwarts, seeking refuge beneath a sprawling tree and gasping for breath. James maintained his firm grip on Ominis' hand, a few damp strands of hair clinging to his forehead.

Ominis rested his forehead against James' shoulder, laughing and panting at the same time, "Even if I fall ill tomorrow, I won't hold it against you."

James hugged him, joining in the laughter. It had been a long time since he had felt such unencumbered joy. "Can you tell me what those are?" he asked, handing the flowers to Ominis.

"Hmm, I recognize anemones, bush roses, and daisies," Ominis replied, his face upturned towards James, a smile gracing his lips. "Can you say this?"

"You are such a tease", James remarked, leaning in to kiss him. "I think I am in love with you."

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon