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The Brocburrow was a little community in the countryside. During this season you could see many beasts graze lazily in backyards or nearby fields.

They knew each other for years, but still, it was odd to see Ominis walking by paths James's been walking since he was one. Usually, they met at the Sallows in Feldcroft or at Hogwarts.

James waved at the neat house with a tidy yard: "Here we are. Almost there." The house was silent inside, which was expected.

"Can't see what he's up to, but he's always somewhere busy. So it won't be often when you'll meet him", he went to get a glass of water. "I know, yes, this place isn't a dream and it can be weird for you to live not only with me but with Father-"

"I confess, even the air is lighter in here. It is much better than staying in the manor. You shouldn't be nervous."

"Kha-", coughed James continuing in a hoarse voice. "I am not nervous. But let me show you my room and then I will definitely be. Come."

They went up to the second floor and James opened the door for Ominis.

"Can I have a look around?"

"Do all you want", James leaned on the doorway, watching Ominis exploring the room.

He was now touching the frames with photographs: "Would you show me all your shameful child pictures? I've seen some of Sebastian's and Anne's kid crafts. Do you have any?"

"You've just entered my room for the first time and already asking for my shameful secrets?" James laughed.

"That is precisely why I am asking. You told me I'm free to do all I want."

"All right, all right. Then I shall give you a tour of shame."

James pulled a box out of the closet and found an old album. He sat Ominis on the bed and placed it on his lap.

"Here is the first one", he landed Ominis' finger on the photo. "And this is a cabbage, which soon will become me."

"It can't be", Ominis looked confused.

"Sorry. This is me in my crib, gnawing the crossbar of it."

"You are making fun of me."

"No. And here-", James placed his finger on another photo. "is me all in a pretty flowery dress. I had surprisingly golden hair until I turned two. My mother is tying it with a bow here. They were really expecting a girl, you know."

"I wager you were the dearest boy in that dress."

"Yes, I was. I don't mind it at all."

They went through half of the album: "And here the three of us."

"How did your parents look back then? You've never depicted your Mother for me."

"Hm. My Father's leg was well then. I would say he looked not so tired. And his hair was shorter. And Mother- Mother was tall, with auburn-brown hair — you could catch it twinkling in the sun —, golden skin and green eyes. She laughed a lot and was supporting everyone who needed it. Literally."

"So you are more of your Mother's son."

"I prefer to consider myself so."


James was preparing the bed on the floor while Ominis was unpacking his belongings. He took all he wanted to save from home, so he didn't need to come back.

James couldn't realise what was weirder: the fact that they literally moved in together or that he took it for granted.

"We have dinner together every day. With Father. But it's not necessary for you, of course. I could bring food here and then join you in a while."

"I am comfortable with attending your dinner. If it is acceptable."


The dinner went surprisingly well. It was still dull as ever but within the ordinary.

James was lying in his bed on the floor, waiting for Ominis to come from the shower and put out the lights. He was leafing through a book without a single thought. Except one. Shouldn't he feel awkward?

"Where- Are you on the floor?" Ominis entered the room, already in his pyjamas.

"Yes. Because you will sleep in the bed", said James and looked up from the book. And finally felt what should've been feeling from the beginning.

He saw Ominis before bed a hundred times. His stripped loose pyjamas, his damp hair from the shower and his already sleepy eyes. But this moment was different.

Ominis rolled up on the bed. James felt the urge to do something, he was full of relief, fondness and other things he didn't get to understand.

He bit Ominis' toe out of affection, his foot was hanging from the bed.

"Ouch- Did you lay there so you can bite me?"

"It wasn't on purpose, but I don't regret anything."

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now