Butterfly wings

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James was in the midst of packing his belongings after everyone else had already left when he heard a voice exclaiming:

"Unbelievable! Things you did, you were unmatched in that setting!"

"You were truly awe-inspiring. Although I am not well-versed in Quidditch, I never cease to marvel at your style," added that one particular voice he was waiting for.

James raised his head. He was tired, pissed and frustrated.

"Really, Ominis? Really, Ominis? And precisely which part did you like? Which one you cared to join?"

"I was-" Ominis began defensively.

"What were you, exactly? Are you attempting to feed me up with your 'prefect duties' and other 'intolerable' matters? You know, I am sick of it," James vented, his irritation seeping through his words.

"I don't know what has gotten into you, but leave me out of this," Sebastian interjected, raising his hands in surrender.

"Then, maybe you should leave," James retorted, throwing the words at Sebastian.

"Fine, I'll talk to you, when you become more reasonable," Sebastian departed with a forceful slam of the door.

"Well," James said mockingly, now alone with Ominis. "Don't you need to be elsewhere instead?"

"I do not quite understand what I did to deserve such an attitude." Ominis' fingers tightened around his wand.

"Let's consider this for a moment. Tell me, where have you been all this time? Last year, this year? And today?"

"You are well aware of where I've been. It disheartens me that you would even ask," Ominis responded, his worry evident in his voice.

James looked at his face. How can someone be so selfish and stand with this pure confused face as if James himself had gone mad? It was an impossible tease to wipe that expression off his face.

James stepped towards him.

"You like to play a victim, don't you? Poor Ominis, burdened by the weight of your pain. First, you lose Anne, then you nearly lose Sebastian. You can't find safety back home, yet even here, you're constantly watched. And you can't even trust anyone, as people will eventually exploit you," James' voice laced with a mixture of anger and disappointment.

"Why are you telling me this, James? What kind of twisted game are you playing?"

James revelled in seeing the impact his words had on Ominis, wanting to get under his skin, tear it, expose his inside so he could take as much as he needed.

"Don't give me this. I know you all too well, Ominis. It is a sick obsession of yours, manipulating everything and everyone around you. But when there's no chaos to handle, it becomes not worth a thought. Fortunately for you, I can provide you with what you like," James declared with a dark edge to his tone.

"I... James, please, you're making me uncomfortable. Let's turn to the common room and discuss this," Ominis suggested, making a subtle move toward the door.

"No, it's gone on for far too long. I can't bear this any longer, and you will listen to me," James gripped Ominis' arms tightly as he forced him to face him directly. 

Wild strawberries and spring mixed with James' own musk, a scent that always remained tantalizingly out of reach.

"Did you ever stop to consider that you're not the only one who has lost every person they cared about?" James' voice quivered with anger, his fingers clenched Ominis tightly till the knuckles turned white. "How do you think it was for me to be left alone for months, not knowing where the two of you were? Am I expected to mourn — what — both you and Anne?" The weight of his words hung heavily in the air.

"I have never wanted you to be hurt", Ominis attempted to free himself. James, for the first time, noticed how fragile he feels. "Please, James, can't we have this conversation calmly?"

"But it's never that simple with you, is it? I've wanted to do the right thing, to be good, but it seems impossible when it involves you. No, don't slip away. Look at me," James implored, gripping Ominis' wrist with his wand and pressing it against his own chest.

His fingers, chilling and velvety-soft, trembled. Ominis appeared delicately, almost painfully beautiful at that moment, and James wanted nothing more than to capture him like a butterfly, to pin him down with needles so he could never fly away again.

Ominis' blank eyes were veiled by an invisible shroud. "You're turning me into a monster," he murmured, his voice laced with acceptance. "I can acknowledge everything you've said, but I cannot agree with turning away from you. I never intended for all of this to burden you any more than it burdened me. I have only one place where it is safe. And I am not going to waste it."

Feeling the weight of his actions, James loosened his grip, allowing Ominis to free himself and walk out of the room.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now