Golden lashes

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Time seemed to be in a constant rush, leaving James with little breathing room in his packed schedule:

Quick breakfast


If lucky, a rushed lunch

More classes

Quidditch training or strategizing



Awkward meetings with his father every week or two to check on things

The relentless pace of his days left him with limited opportunities to process his emotions or simply take a moment to exhale. It had only been a month, but James was already feeling the strain, making him easily irritable. The upcoming first match added even more pressure, fueling his determination to work harder.

James wished he could unload some of the weight he carried, and he was grateful that his friendship with Sebastian had slowly begun to mend. Their conversations before bed made it easier for James to fall asleep, although peaceful dreams were not always guaranteed.

"No, just listen to what it says," came a voice from the top bunk. "'The Entrail Expelling Curse was originally invented for extreme scenarios. This spell can remove organs without physical intervention. It fell out of use after it was abused for torture and had no practical benefits in treatment.' It's sick. This should be considered Unforgivable!"

James lay relaxed, hands behind his head, there was no one in the room yet. "Sounds like you're sublimating the desire to keep learning those spells. What kind of book says things like that?"

"Perhaps I am. You should know that not every wound or illness can be healed with herbs," Sebastian replied, the last word dripping with mockery. "Don't worry, it's not about dark magic."

"Yeah? Well, when you're done, just drop it in my chest," James responded.

"Are we getting interested in some restricted materials, golden boy? And how do I put it in there, if it's locked?"

"Are we getting interested in restricted materials, golden boy? And how am I supposed to do that if it's locked?" Sebastian teased, using the nickname "golden boy" to highlight James' ability to be a "plug in every matter". He often added not without a wipe "So noble and perfect, of course". 

Being one of the best students, a decent quidditch player and a duelist, James found it hard to argue. With one exception, these skills were not innate talents but rather the result of hard work and practice.

"Oh, please," James rolled his eyes and kicked the top bunk, causing the springs in the mattress to groan. "You'll find a way."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of chatter from the corridor, signalling the arrival of their roommates.


It was impossible to be near Ominis as if nothing changed. As James observed him in the common room, he found it nearly impossible to look away. Now they were in the common room. Sebastian paced back and forth in front of the fireplace, absorbed in his reading and muttering to himself. 

And no one can possibly catch James exploring Ominis' features. Now he was reading with one hand while taking notes with the other.

Ominis' lashes appeared golden in the flickering candlelight, his head slightly bent toward the parchment, and his nimble fingers swiftly moving across the page. When Ominis was this focused, it seemed as though James could say anything to him and receive only a nonchalant "hm-mh" in response. James smiled at the idea, of where he could possibly acquire this particular skill. 

A taunting thought crossed James' mind — what if he were to express how maddening it was when Ominis seemed so distant? Would he still be ignorant in return?

James could feel his heart pounding and an urge to shake Ominis, pull him, grasp those fingers, lift his face. He wanted to see some kind of response, even if it meant Ominis being terrified. Would his lashes appear even more beautiful with tears?

It had been a month since they had spent more than an hour together, as Ominis always seemed to disappear so quickly. The fact that even stubborn Sebastian was attempting to mend things only fueled James' frustration further. He longed for any sign from Ominis, any acknowledgement of the distance that had grown between them.

James lost any concentration. He needed to find another place if he wanted to get the work done.

"Are you leaving already?" Ominis abruptly stopped making notes, catching James off guard.

"Is that disappointment I hear?" James wondered internally. "Or perhaps there is something else he wants to  drop on me." 

"Yes, I've done everything I planned to," James replied coolly.

"I did not hear you were doing much," Ominis retorted.

"What can I say? Maybe you were too focused on your own work. I have to go, later."

James made his way to the Transfiguration Courtyard and settled near a pillar, feeling somewhat foolish but too proud to delve deeper into his emotions.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu