The Sorting Ceremony

157 9 2

Author's note:

The voiced part of this chapter. You can find more videos on my tiktok. Nick is the same (leavemeunderyourskin). 

James and Sebastian were already seated at the Slytherin table when they spotted Ominis, accompanied by Imelda and other prefects, leading the first-years into the Great Hall. As Professor Weasley appeared and gathered the new students for the sorting ceremony, Ominis made his way towards them.

"Here!" Сalled out James.

Sebastian shifted aside, earning disapproving glances from the students next to him.

"What?' he asked. "Don't you give that look to your new prefect." 

James rolled his eyes.

"I've never thought it was so much trouble to lead a couple of first-years straight without them scattering. It is easier to catch licorice snap", said Ominis, landing between friends.

Within minutes, the Sorting Ceremony started. Each year it began with the familiar song of the Sorting Hat, appearing just as worn and ragged as ever. This year it sang about unity, friendship and a thirst for knowledge.

"At least this time it didn't mention 'pure-blood Slytherins.' Astonishing," muttered James.

Ominis chuckled softly, "I wager it simply forgot, given how old it is, huh?"

After the song, the benches of each house filled with new faces. And finally, rows of various food appeared in front of many hungry eyes.

James eagerly loaded his plate with everything within reach. It seemed like ages since he had last enjoyed a proper meal. It wasn't that they lacked food at home; it was just James' terrible cooking. Sebastian kept up.

"Every year I consider that I should've sent you food instead of letters. You sound like you've never been fed before," remarked Ominis, now helping himself to some baked salmon.

"I wouldn't mind that personally. The best part would be not having to cook it myself," said James, casually adding food to Ominis' plate from dishes further away.

Once everyone had their fill and spirits were high, Headmaster Black gave his customary speech, which usually fell on deaf ears. 

As the students began to rise from their seats, Professor Weasley interrupted with an announcement, "Fifth, sixth, and seventh-years, I kindly ask you to join your Head of House for schedules. Prefects, you can have it from your friends, now please lead your first-years to the common rooms."

Ominis stood up with a sigh.

"Just remember, if they start to spread again, one Arresto Momentum and you can roll them wherever you please," Sebastian teased.

James pulled himself out from the table with a great effort and waved at Sebastian. "Let's get this done."

They followed Professor Ronen but found themselves at the back of the crowd, eager to grab their schedules and retire for the night.

"I've always wondered, why isn't Professor Sharp the Head of Slytherin?" Sebastian asked.

"Pfft. You should be grateful it's not him," James snickered, scanning the heads to see if the queue was moving.

"I'm not complaining. It's just always intrigued me because he seems to be Black's favourite," Sebastian persisted.

"Ridiculous. Do you even realize what you are blabbing about? Trust me, Father doesn't share his views. Although he was offered the position once. However, he's not one for dealing with people. So he believes that such duties will be an unnecessary waste of his time. I think if Father accepted the offer, I wouldn't see him home at all."

The line gradually thinned, and Professor Ronen handed them their new schedules.

"And Mr Sharp, please, spare a moment with me," Professor Ronen called out, searching for something in his paper holder. "Where could I put this.."

"I'll meet you in the dorm," Sebastian informed. James nodded and handed him Ominis' schedule.

"Aha! Here we have it. Your Quidditch training schedule. The field is already booked. You can begin trials from tomorrow onwards. And now..." He winked mischievously. "You need to rest well."

"Sir, are you saying that I'm the new Captain?" James asked, not seeking confirmation but wanting to show respect.

"You don't seem surprised," the professor's eyes shrewdly looked at James.

"I... I apologize, Professor," James stammered, feeling as if he were being seen through—a sensation he didn't particularly enjoy.

"No, no, confidence is a valuable quality, especially for a captain. That is my apologies. It's quite late, and you would probably prefer to spend this time with your friends. Good night, Mr Sharp," the professor said in his perpetually cheery, sometimes overly so, voice.

When James entered the dormitory, Sebastian was already snoring, his hand dangling from the top bunk. James changed into his pyjamas, not even realizing how quickly he drifted off to sleep.

Author's note:

Although bunk beds are not depicted in the canon (Hogwarts Legacy), I've chosen to include them in order to cultivate a cosier and more intimate atmosphere. 

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now