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The road was busy with carts today. You can see artisans coming to hamlet square. Just now the carriage, which made all sorts of noise running over cobblestones, has passed the house.

Ominis was sitting on the porch, basking in the sun with his eyes closed. He discovered — not without a surprise — that this was his favourite place and time.

It is nice to hide in the blue season. Somewhere behind books, in a cosy corner and without seeking eyes. To live insensibly, do not take more space than necessary.

But Summerland holds everything he ever wanted and needed.

"What's interesting?" James walked from the house with two plates and sat beside him. "Burned toasts, overcooked eggs and perfect bacon. Is your order correct?"

Ominis gave a quiet laugh: "Do you always eat like this?"

"That is my best cooking you're eating. So-", James continued with the stuffed mouth "haf you orady feen Billy The Fkakraw?"

This routine formed naturally. Every morning of the last two weeks, James and Ominis had breakfast on the porch, sometimes with a bit of gossip on the top.

"I beg your pardon? Honestly, James, I can't make out a word."

"Have you already seen Billy the Scarecrow? He's a legend. Every year he shows up at the fair with new scarecrows. The last time were scarecrows-gnomes. Nasty things."

Ominis' brows rose: "Actually I heard something pinging, whistling and hooting simultaneously. I remember thinking what an odd orchestra that might be."

"Yes, that's probably him."


"Sweet or sour?"


Ominis handed a pack of jelly buttons to James, keeping the apple strips to himself. The square was busy as it was only once a year.

There were carts with everything: sweets, ingredients, clothes, plants and the wildest artefacts. The nomadic band played on a wooden stage. Its sounds were merging with blabbing, laughter and cacophony, which came from behind the crowd.

They leisurely strolled from cart to cart, moving closer to the excited crowd.

"That is exactly what I heard this morning!" Ominis took James by hand and headed to the noise. He managed to push towards the centre.

In front of them opened an unprecedented chimaera.

"That is the most hideous thing I ever saw." James couldn't take his eyes off it.

"Tell me!"

"It- This thing- The scarecrow with puffer-head, slimy — I believe, eee — arms and in tap dance shoes."

"Incredible! I can't think of any practical use for it. But still what an imagination!"

They moved on, feeling already a bit overwhelmed with clamour. Ominis stopped at the end of the main row near the plant cart. He squatted down, touching the seedling. There were all sorts of seeds, sprouted flower bulbs, and bush transplants.

"Would you mind if we planted some of them?" His fingers petting the leaves.

"Why would I? Sure we can. What flowers would you like? I can see here some wild ones, delicate, splashy and cheerful." James bent over Ominis, looking out for bulbs.

"Those that bring the wind, freedom and catch the morning sun. So I could walk in the garden with my bare feet and they won't be afraid to greet me."

"Then we should pick daisies, chicory, orange poppies and asters. And I want to see this beauty from our window." James chose the yellow shrub rose.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now