Say it back

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It was their final Quidditch training session of the year, and James wanted to free the team before Christmas. They started practising at noon and continued well into the evening.

"You really should consider getting a haircut," Imelda teased. "It'll be hilarious if our Keeper can't even see the Quaffle properly."

James simply waved her off, but deep down, he knew she had a point. His hair had grown long, falling below his shoulders and constantly getting in the way during sports.

Late at night, James made his way to the shower, hoping to find some privacy. To his disappointment, the place was still bustling with students.

He struggled to find a spot near the mirror to trim his hair, but a fifth-year accidentally bumped his elbow. Peeved, James snapped, "Would you mind? I'm trying not to gouge my eyes out."

Suddenly, Sebastian's voice came from behind. "You do know there's a Prefect bathroom you can use, right? As the Quidditch Captain."

James sighed in annoyance. "Yes, I suppose so," he grumbled. "I don't like using it though. It's further away, but at least I won't have to deal with being shoved around." He shot another glare at the fifth-year, who promptly pretended not to exist.

"I'll let you in on a little secret," Sebastian leaned in closer and whispered. "There is. A Floo Flames. In the castle. You can get there in a minute."

James clicked his tongue, slightly irritated. He preferred walking rather than using the Floo network, but he didn't feel like getting into a discussion about it.


James conjured a full-sized mirror and sat in front of it, struggling to see the back of his head. He twisted and turned, attempting to catch a glimpse of what he was about to cut.

Suddenly, the door swung open.

"You've got to be kidding me. It's occupied!" James exclaimed.

"Oh, my apologies. Perhaps I can come later," Ominis quickly responded.

"No, Ominis, it's fine. You can stay," James sighed. "I'm just trying to tame this mess, which happens to be my hair."

"What is wrong with it? I actually like your hair. It is...pleasant," Ominis approached him, reaching out to touch it.

"And I like it when you play with it," James grinned, pleased to see Ominis blush. "But unfortunately, I need to cut it shorter. Otherwise, I won't play well."

"If you want, I can help you with that."

"You know how to cut hair? Where did you learn that?" James sounded amused.

Ominis laughed a bit and replied, "When my little sister — remember the one who pretends not to know me — had an obsession with puffskeins, Mother bought her a whole bunch of them. The best, of course. And naturally, she got bored of them quickly, but the creatures remained."

James listened intently, curious to hear more.

"So, I took care of them and even groomed them quite decently. I think they were happy."

"You have no idea how adorable you are. Sometimes I just want to eat you."

"That is...not why I told you that."

"Of course not. Well, you've convinced me. Puffskeins or my hair, it doesn't matter. Give it a try." 

Ominis conjured a pair of scissors and hid his wand.

"You're not going to use it?" James asked.

"No, this way, I will feel more comfortable. It is delicate work."

He removed the rubber band from James' hair, gently parting the locks with his fingers. Ominis rested his foot on the bench to stand more comfortably, fully immersing himself in the task.

They were silent. Mermaids swam from one picture to another. And water dripped from an unclosed faucet.

James felt like a thief, stealing glances at Ominis through the mirror. Ominis appeared serene and completely absorbed in the process.

His touch fluttered on James' neck, freeing strands from behind his ears, and sending shivers down James' spine.

When the preparation was complete, Ominis took the scissors and, lock by lock, started cutting their length with precision.

"Do you want to remove quite a bit?" Ominis whispered. Seems he didn't want to break the silence too.

"Mh-hm," James couldn't take his eyes off Ominis' reflection.

With each strand he carefully selected, ensuring no mistakes were made.

"Then, when I told you I feel, why didn't you respond?" James asked in a hushed tone, his voice tinged with vulnerability. It was a question that hadn't crossed his mind until now.

"At that moment, I was lost. In the most wonderful way," Ominis echoed.

"But you didn't answer later either."

"I thought I couldn't hide my feelings from you. I had this notion that you already knew everything that mattered. Do you want me to say it?"


Ominis leaned down, gently brushing his lips against the corner of James' mouth. "I love you. And I deeply care about you. Please, never doubt that."

His fingers caressed James' hair as if he were giving a kiss for each strand he cut.

"Here," James placed Ominis' finger on his closed eyelids, and Ominis pressed a tender kiss against them.

"I love you." One lock fell.

"And here," a kiss landed on James' temple.

"I love you." Another lock dropped.

"And here," Ominis placed a gentle kiss on the tip of James' nose.

"I love you." Another lock joined the rest on the floor.

"And here," a kiss graced James' forehead.

"I love you." Another lock cascaded down.

"And here," a playful kiss tickled near James' ear.

"I love you." One final lock fell to the ground.

James' face radiated warmth from the touch of Ominis' lips.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now