Are you mad?

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Being in the Undercroft, surrounded by the soft glow and secluded atmosphere, made it easier for James to be open and vulnerable. It felt like stepping into a surreal dream, where everything was intensified. However now, James noticed a newfound awkwardness creeping into his relations with Ominis. He was becoming unwontedly clumsy around him.

Every time Ominis touched his hand, sat beside him, or simply called his name, James couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement and nerves coursing through him. The simplest of gestures now was sending shivers down his back.

He could've confronted Ominis, shouted at him and even hint at his feelings in the Undercroft. But now, as he started to regain Ominis' attention, James found himself struggling to maintain his composure.


They sat in the library, engrossed in their books and taking notes, when a familiar Hufflepuff girl passed by. She greeted them with a bit too cheerful "Hi", and settled at the next desk, stealing glances at them from time to time. 

Sebastian stared at her and asked, "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I think maybe she likes you. And it's impolite to stare at people like that, you know?" James, glancing at her as well, replied.

"You tell me. In fact, I think she's interested in Ominis. Look, she's doing it again. Ominis! I believe you have a secret admirer," Sebastian teased.

"Hm?" Ominis seemed lost in his own thoughts, not paying attention to the conversation.

"No!" James exclaimed a bit too loudly, causing the library to turn their way. Clearing his throat, he continued, "I mean, no, I'm certain that she likes you, Sebastian. You know what?" He leaned in closer, whispering, "I think you should ask her out!"

"Are you mad? I barely know her. We sat next to each other in the Runes class. Kattie Something. She's really skilled at it. And also beautiful," Sebastian mumbled the last part.

"It all falls into place. I bet she fell for you from that very moment. If you won't ask her, I'll do it for you!" James declared, rising from his seat without fully comprehending his actions.

"James, sit down!" Sebastian hissed, but James was already making his way toward Kattie.

"What are you so enthusiastic about?" Ominis sighed in frustration, pushing his book away.

"James went to ask that Kattie girl out!" Sebastian whispered, his face peeking out embarrassingly from behind his book.

"He— What?!"

"He is mental! I swear I'll strangle him."

James returned, plopping back down on his seat. "This Saturday, 4 p.m. in Hogsmeade."

Sebastian was stunned. "So you actually did it? I can't believe—"

"I tried to focus, but it is impossible with you two. I shall see you later in the Common room when you're done with this nonsense," Ominis slammed his book shut and left.

James felt a sudden wave of relief. He was actually quite pleased with how the tables turned.


James' schedule had eased up a bit, no longer as hectic as before. After playing the first Quidditch match, Slytherin now had some time to prepare for the upcoming February game.

This Saturday was the Hufflepuff-Ravenclaw match, and James had planned to take notes on their tactics for future reference. Finally, he had a free evening to himself. He grabbed a cup of hot tea from the Great Hall, along with a Quidditch strategy board, and headed to his favorite spot in the common room.

Near the window, he spotted a familiar figure sleeping soundly. Ominis had a knack for falling asleep anywhere, and strangely enough, professors never seemed to wake him up. James had a theory that it was because Ominis looked too adorable to disturb his slumber.

Carefully, James pulled up a chair and sat next to him, quietly observing Ominis' peaceful breaths that mirrored the serene lake outside. Watching him could make James feel l great about everything.

As he blew off the steam from his cup of tea, soft clouds wrapped around his dearest features. Ominis seemed almost otherworldly in that gentle light.

James arranged the Quidditch strategy board, meticulously placing the pieces. Time passed slowly, but he didn't mind. He was in no rush.

"Hi," James whispered as Ominis opened his eyes.

"Mh? Oh, it is you, James."

"Do you mind if I sit here?"

Ominis stretched a bit. "What are you working on?"

"Game strategy, nothing special. I still don't have all the information, so I need to observe the Ravenclaw team during the match on Saturday. I would take you with me, but I know you're not into Quidditch."

"The only way I can enjoy the game is when you are playing, meaning our team, Slytherin."

"I heard it. You said you like it only because of me."

"Debatable. But shouldn't you attend your date that day? It is impolite to make your friend wait because of the game."

James stared blankly. "Eee...What date?"

"Oh, stop it, James. Sebastian told me that you asked out that Hufflepuff girl."

"I asked her out for him!"

Ominis raised his eyebrows.

"So you are actually mad?"

"You don't understand. She just sat there staring. Sebastian thought she liked you. But I convinced her to go out with him!" James' expression remained plain.

"And... Do you realize how ridiculous that sounds? Poor Sebastian."

"At least she is not going out with you." James felt his face flush with embarrassment.

"Ahem. Do you want to go out with me?" Ominis' ears turned pink as he finished his sentence.

"I... yes."

They both let out a mixture of forced and relieved laughter, feeling the weight on their shoulders finally lift

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now