Elegant choice

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Slytherin's chasers became more confidence in their positions, and James watched them with evident pride. They had worked relentlessly to achieve this level of skill, and it showed in their seamless performance on the Quidditch pitch.

The game posed little challenge for James, as their opponents struggled to breach their defences. His main focus was guiding and coordinating his teammates, relishing the role of directing their movements with precision.

Then, at the thirty-eighth minute, a glimmer of gold caught appeared — the unmistakable sign of the Snitch. Slytherin's skilled Seeker streaked through the air like a bolt of lightning. The whole stadium held its breath and in a matter of minutes, the game was over.

With this victory, their chances of becoming champions solidified. The team descended to the ground, erupting in cheers. They hoisted their triumphant Seeker high, while emerald fireworks illuminated the sky.


Today the Slytherin Common room buzzed with euphoria. The eyes were hurt as green fireworks danced and bounced off the walls. Laughter and chatter filled every corner. The kitchen must have been marauded as all the food and butterbeer were here.

Finally getting tired from attention, but still excited, James, Sebastian and Ominis slipped away from the revelry. They found themselves on the Wooden Bridge, where James passed around the butterbeer to his friends.

Sebastian, supported by their shoulders, climbed onto a ledge of the bridge, proclaiming with gusto, "The Cup is ours! You'll see!"

"Sebastian, you are a moon mind. Drop it!" Ominis claimed.

"It's so delightful to shout all you've got out", he cried once more at last. "BALLOCKS!"

"Quite impressive, now you've simply gone for one-word manifesting."

"RATBAG! ALSO," James leaned over the railing, mustering all his strength to shout. "THE JELLIED EELS TASTE LIKE PUKE!"

"Not you! For Merlin's sake, stop it."

"Don't you want to try it? You might actually enjoy it."

"No, thank you."

James wrapped his arms around Ominis from behind, his voice gentle as he whispered into Ominis' ear, "I remember you have some nasty words. Just give it a shot."

Ominis' cheeks became warmer. "Haaa... Fine, would you leave me be then?"

"I promise."

He took a deep breath and shouted, "BLASTED – Eee – WHIRGLING TOSSER!"

"What an elegant choice!" Sebastian almost cracked.

Ominis blinked in confusion as if he didn't expect this from himself either and burst into laughter.

The three of them cried from the bridge until spotted someone coming. They took off running, with Sebastian hurling the last of his curses as they fled.

Bittersweet Heart (Ominis Gaunt x James Sharp)Where stories live. Discover now