145. The Lost Land of Gold

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Chapter 553: The lost land of gold

Two days later, the first day of the playoffs.

If the atmosphere at the Challenge was buzzing, the atmosphere at the playoffs was almost boisterous, with people coming and going, floating machines everywhere hanging virtual banners, blasting electronic fireworks, and promoting their teams.

"Please support the Kabbalah Guild! It will not let you down!"

"The Gamblers' Union, a gambler's paradise, loaded with money!"

There were four games on the first day of the playoffs, so four viewing pools were opened. All four games of the eight-in-four were played in this round, and although the order of play differed, there were times when everyone was playing at the same time without being able to determine the time of the game, which meant that each viewer had to choose basically only one or two games to watch if they wanted to see the whole game.

The guilds were now setting off fireworks on every viewing pool to draw spectators' eyes over, and spectators were discussing and agonising over which viewing pool they were going to watch the game in.

"The killer sequence is against the Invisible Cloak Guild, and if Spades is confirmed to play, this one won't be much of a spectacle."

"The Gamblers' Guild is a bit interesting. The Gamblers' Guild was ranked fifth this year, but the second ranked King's Guild got squeezed out, so they moved up to fourth and got the right to draw against the Heavenly Masons, who are not too far behind them. ..."

"Kabala is up against the Deer hunters, right? The Deerhunters are double majors this year and have been going strong from mid-season to now, currently in second place, so it's going to be hard for Kabala to win."

"But to say that the most interesting game of the eight to four is really the one -"

All eyes surrendered to the same viewing pool - compared to the other pools that were constantly broadcasting commercials and blasting fireworks, this one was a little too quiet with nothing above it, but that didn't stop it from being the most crowded pool by far.

"Golden Dawn doesn't like publicity, it's an old tradition." One question from the audience was, "Why isn't this dark horse being promoted this year? I thought Charles was secretly investing in it? Can Charles, the peacock, stand to have his dark horse in the playoffs so quietly?"

"When the killer sequence he backed made the playoffs last year, Charles the guy was laying the hype for the killer sequence all over the TV section."

"It could be ......" a viewer tried to answer, " Charles doesn't like this dark horse much this year? After all, the playoffs were a loss to the Killer Sequence, so a late title win is less likely."

"Doesn't sound like it to me." A spectator retorted, looking at the pool percentage count panel outside the viewing pool, on which the Wandering Circus was riding a wave of support, almost tied with Golden Dawn, and spoke up somewhat arduously, "...... Have you guys ever thought that Charles isn't betting on the promotion just simply because the Wandering Circus might not need it anymore?"

"That's an approval rating that doesn't need too much more publicity to build momentum."

The spectator, in a trance-like state, continued to murmur to the steady stream of people pouring into the viewing pool of the Wandering Circus vs Golden Dawn.

"They are, by now, unknown to everyone and no one."

Inside the second ornamental pool.

Wang Shun stood up and walked back and forth, taking deep breaths as he did so, and after the MC called for both tacticians to come forward and shake hands, he took a heavy, deep breath, like a string that had been stretched to the limit, his entire back tensed up and he looked straight at Bai Liu who got up and took off his gloves, ready to come forward.

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