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Footsteps, tapping against the floor almost rhythmically, he replays it in his head, tapping his foot in unison with the sound.

"Hello class."

The class as one, all stand, bowing to the professor.

"Morning, professor." They chanted routinely, the superior nods at them, giving them the okay to sit back down.

"We have a new student today, please treat him well."

Then, a tall slim boy, with dark brown hair cut into a grown out two-block enters the room, with the same rhythmic footsteps that echoed in Yeonjun's head.

The steps seemed almost practiced, not like he was just walking normally without thinking, almost like there was effort or thought put into his strides.

The boy bows, Yeonjun watches, it seems to perfect, like he practiced times before, normally people would stumble or bow to late, accidentally make eye contact but, everything he did to his posture to the way he walked was perfect, but something was off, despite the perfect actions and movements, or the genuine vibe he gave off was sophisticated, but the boy couldn't hide one thing, his eyes.

And because of that Yeonjun could see right through the boy, he seemed scared.


The professor whispered to the boy, pointing in yeonjuns direction, and the boy walked over, the same rhythmic steps, then he sat down, looking straight ahead.

"Hello, I'm Yeonjun."
The boy turned his head towards Yeonjun, almost avoiding the elders gaze, before settling unsurely into the deep brown eyes that were Yeonjuns.


"I'm Choi Beomgyu, I moved here from Daegu."
"I see, you have a strong accent, I was born and raised here in Seoul."
"I see."
Beomgyu began to shake his leg, looking back forward.
Three flaws, he could only catch three flaws, hell, with most people he would've had at least 10 already.

But with him, it's like he prepared ahead for everything, as if anything he did was thought through or even practiced before hand.

As the class went on, Yeonjun noticed the knock of Beomgyus heel against the tile made the same melody as his steps.

That wretched sound. He wants it out of his head but the melody repeats in his head, obsessing over what in the hell it could be.

A song?

Random beats?

A speech?

Or he could be overthinking it entirely and it's nothing.


Yeonjun said, knowingly to eager and loud but he couldn't help himself, who would be able to contain themselves when the person next to them is constantly tapping the same tune over and over and he-


"Whats that tune you keep tapping?"

Beomgyu paused for a moment, then began shaking his leg again, in the same tone, but his eyes give him away once more.

"It's nothing."
Then he turns away.

Yeonjun was going to go mad, that stupid tune will never leave his mind, as well as the boy who Yeonjun can't seem to figure out why one would act so perfectly, and why he only has three flaws when honestly that isn't very human at all.

All he wants to know is one tune, that isn't much to ask for.

Yeonjun runs the tips of his fingers over the cold faux wood of the school desk, emerged in his thoughts.

"Class dismissed, please excuse yourselves to lunch."

Yeonjun grabs the strap of his backpack, walking out of the classroom as the tune of the all too familiar steps behind him echo closer, resulting him in speeding up his own strides, almost racing down the hall to the cafeteria.

Yeonjun sat down, staring at Beomgyu who walked in, seeming lost on where to sit down, cafeteria basically full of just people and their friends.

"Beomgyu! Sit with me!"

Yeonjun wishes he had more self control.

Beomgyu sat across from Yeonjun, placing his lunch onto the table, Yeonjun following suit as he unravels the bento box, placing the food into his mouth, content with the familiar tang of fish and rice.

Beomgyu is writing something down, and calculating it?
"What are you doing?"

"I have to make sure the meal is exactly 674 calories."

"Are you on a diet?"

"Oh no, it just has to be that way. my snacks have to be exactly 230. 3 meals a day and 3 snacks a day."

"Why? Thats weirdly specific."

"I don't know, it just has to be that way."



Beomgyus shoulders relax putting his paper and phone away, eating the food he prepared, but...wait something's off.

"Are you eating it in a certain order?"



"I've always done it that way, I shouldn't switch it up."

Yeonjun nods, confused but intrigued by Beomgyus strange behaviors.

Beomgyu picks up his lunchbox, throwing it into the trash after hes finished eating.

"Why would you throw it away?"

"It was on the schools table."


"It was dirty, I don't want my hands to be contaminated if i have to wash it."
Beomgyu replies, squirting hand sanitizer into his hands and rubbing it in.

Yeonjun notices the dryness of Beomgyus hands, small cracks in the skin are littered lightly across his hands, likely from excessive hand washing.

The bell rings to return to class, Beomgyu stands and walks out, the tune of his steps echoing down the hallway.

♡Exit Music (For A Film) || A YeonGyu/BeomJun Story.♡Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora