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Now, Yeonjun usually doesn't obsess over something so trivial, but he can't control his thoughts. After around 25 attempts at humming the tune into google, he got nowhere.

Did he mention it's 2AM?

Maybe it's dumb Yeonjun is losing sleep over this,  maybe he should just forget about it.

Why won't Beomgyu just tell him what it is?

Well, maybe it is nothing.

No way, Yeonjun had heard it before, it's a faint memory in the back of his head, itching at Yeonjun's brain until he feels like he may go mad.

Maybe he could ask for his number and tell him (over text, because he doesn't have the guts to actually communicate.) that he casually is obsessed with some random rhythm that his stepping pattern happened to make. (He's most likely overthinking it and it most likely means nothing.)

But overthinking is Yeonjuns profession, and when hes fixated on something he will be for awhile.

Well there, he had a plan for tomorrow.

But, Yeonjun would probably die of curiosity by 7:30 (the time school starts), he can't handle not doing something about this now.

"I'm acting stupid, for fucks sake it's the sound someone makes when they walk! No one else would even notice it."


"Am I a stalker?"


"No! of course not. Maybe just a little creepy but this cant possibly mean I'm a stalker."

Yeonjun went to sleep after that.

★The next morning★

The yellow haired boy finally woke up from his slumber, not a very good one considering he was up until 2:45.

He drug himself out of bed, stretching, and walking to the bathroom,  picking up his toothbrush and squirting a sample onto the brush, wetting it, then brushing his teeth groggily.

Come to think of it, Beomgyu is probably the only thing keeping Yeonjun from skipping school entirely, yeonjun misses two days basically every week.

He spits out the toothpaste, rinsing the brush and placing it back onto the counter, peeling his clothes off of himself before twisting the cold metal of the shower knob, adjusting it to his liking. 

He steps into the shower, facing against the shower head, letting the warm water run down his back.

Maybe if he didn't go he'd stop worrying about Beomgyu.

But, the steps aren't the only thing that's entertaining about him, he's a rather attractive dude, he looks feminine, but masculine at the same time.

When he first came yesterday, he wore a sailor-style collared shirt with matching shorts, And hell, he pulled them off great. 

He has such a small frame, Yeonjun could probably fit his hands all the way around his waist, he's almost built like a girl.

No, he is built like a girl, but underneath everything he still has-


Yeonjun leans his back against the shower wall, holding his head in his hands.

it was 5:00 in the morning, and his body had to remind him that it is definitely still producing very strong hormones. 

He felt creepy if he dealt  with it with the thought of Beomgyu in his head, and when the cause was Beomgyu in the first place.

It felt like he was punched in the gut with desire, wishing a certain brown haired boy was with him in the shower-

Okay, so maybe he isn't just a little creepy, rather,  a good amount of creepy.

And maybe he isn't just obsessed with Beomgyus steps.

He's obsessed with Beomgyu, and his overthinking about  Beomgyus steps, probably caused it.

And, the most annoying thing currently, is that Yeonjuns...problem...hasn't gone away, and no other thought than Beomgyu went through his head. 

Maybe it wouldn't hurt, Beomgyu wouldn't even know.

Yeonjun knew it was the hormones getting to his head, looking for a logical reason to get off to someone in your class, that barley knows you on top of that.

But, Yeonjun failed to care, he could be shooting up the school or bullying people, so leave him be if he wants to jerk off to a random boy in his class!

But, even after justifying it in his head, he yet to touch himself like he yearned to do, how it was beginning to hurt because he kept thinking of Beomgyu, and his pretty hair, lips that look so soft,  his stupidly cute sailor uniform, and his dumbly tiny waist he just wanted to wrap his hands around and slam against a wall.

Was he able to hold back after that thought?

No.  Yeonjun slid his hand down his lower stomach, feeling the wet expanse of skin, flushed red and hot with desire.

He wraps a eager hand around himself, instantly releasing a sigh of relief, tilting his head back against the shower wall, letting his eyes flutter close and his hand finally move.

Beomgyu is so pale too, if he pressed just too hard on his pretty neck he was sure to leave a mark, maybe if he sucked on the beautiful boys skin it would leave dark purple marks, sure not to fade in days.

His hand tightened around himself and he tensed up, letting out a deep groan he felt that was ripped from his soul, before finishing, and luckily without a mess. (The shower washed it right off)

Yeonjun, ashamed with himself, turns off the shower, stepping out and wrapping a towel around his waist.

Maybe he did just jerk off to a random person that doesn't know him, and he was embarrassed with himself for convincing himself it was okay in thr moment with comparing masturbation to a school shooter, but he would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy it a little.

Well, alot.

That was probably the best jerk off session hes had in a minute.

But, Yeonjun shakes the thoughts to the back of his head, needing to focus on getting ready for school, and to somehow sit next to him after the events that happened, 5 minutes ago.

It was going to be a long day, but maybe he could figure out if there's anything actually special about Beomgyu's steps, or if we was going insane.

And maybe he was looking forward to seeing him in general, who knows.

♡Exit Music (For A Film) || A YeonGyu/BeomJun Story.♡Where stories live. Discover now