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November 19th, Monday.

I'm so happy.


Beomgyu stands in the cold bathroom, when he looks into the mirror what stares back at him is devoid of color.

He hadn't seen anything like it before, he felt entranced as he looked into the void of nothingness, at ease.

"Are you ready to go?" Yeonjun said, stepping into the bathroom.

"It's beautiful." Beomgyu whispers, reaching out to the mirror, shocked when his hand hits the glass and suddenly he was cursed with a scene of red, dripping from the walls, his hands.

Beomgyu turned away.

"Yes. Let's go." He smiled brightly, stepping away from the mirror, and the red faded.

He wasn't going to let it control him anymore.

Yeonjun was happier when Beomgyu was happy.

He'll let Yeonjun be as happy as he could be, just for a little while, it will be normal, peaceful.

Yeonjun didn't ask to be a caregiver.

So maybe, just for a bit, it will be like nothing happened.


The hours of the day skipped by fast, Kai seemed happy Taehyun was well enough that he could be back.

Beomgyu was happy that everyone else was.


"Huening, you can't keep pulling out squishmellows in class it's distracting." Soobin sighed

"No one else cares but you!?" Kai whines, hugging a strawberry shaped plush to his chest.

"I CARE! I find it hard to teach algebra when I look back I see a rainbow hamburger being thrown across the room to Yeonjun, who also seems to care."

Taehyun is hunched over red-faced trying not to burst out into laughter.

"I don't see how that's my problem sir."

"Put them away."

Soobin finds himself being roundhounded in the side of the head with a glittery cow.

He turns to Yeonjun, a scowl present on his face.

Yeonjun shrugs. "It was Beomgyu."

"You know I find that really hard to believe, Choi."

Soobin turns to Beomgyu whom sat next to Yeonjun, the only one out of the 4 doing their work.


"Hey Taehyun, drink this." Yeonjun smiles, pushing his milk carton across the lunch table to the hesitant boy sitting across from him.


"Well, it tastes lovely. Ask Beomgyu, he wouldn't lie."

"It's white milk."

"Beomgyu, isn't the milk tasty?"

Beomgyu reaches over the table to the milk carton, inspecting it.

"This expired in 2015." Beomgyu looked up at Yeonjun, confused.

"Yeonjun how the fuck did you even get your hands on that?" 

"I know people."

"No because that's literally a health code violation." Taehyun rose his voice, shocked on how he had a milk carton over 8 years old.

"YOU'RE a health code violation."



"Mr Soobin please give me strawberryrainbow chan back!" Kai cried, on his hands and knees in front of the teacher.

"Why are you bowing.." Soobin looked down at the crying boy, plushie in hand because he had caught it while it was thrown in his direction.

"Because I'm sorry" Kai's shoulders shook, distraught at the loss of his stuffed toy.

"Will it go airborne again?" Soobin sighed, massaging his temples.


Soobin drops it in front of the boy who scrambled to catch it before it hit the ground.

"I seriously don't get paid enough to care."


Taehyun tiptoes down the hallway, approaching a darkened classroom.

Kai followed close behind, tripping on his untied shoelace and tripping onto Taehyun, sending them flying into the vacant classroom.

Beomgyu almost screams, looking down at the two guilty-faced boys.

Yeonjun releases his grip on Beomgyus waist, squatting down to the pair.

"Just what were you trying to do?"

"He wanted to scare you guys while you were making out."

Kais voice is muffled, as he's face down against the aluminum flooring.


Yeonjun walks down the hallway, returning to his 6th period class.

"Kai?" He asks, turning to the shorter boy.

He hums, looking up.

"Do you know where Beomgyu went off to?"

Kai smiled, nodding. "He said he forgot his backpack so he headed to his house to grab it. He said he'd be back in time for your chemistry class together."

Yeonjun nodded, walking into his classroom.

7th hour came and went, Beomgyu hadn't shown up, he missed chemistry.

Yeonjun checked out of school early, walking down the side walk as he dialed Beomgyus number.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service."

Yeonjun furrowed his eyebrows, calling him a few more times only to find the same outcome.

Yeonjuns pace sped up as he walked down the pavement leading to Beomgyus house.

He soon found himself running.

♡Exit Music (For A Film) || A YeonGyu/BeomJun Story.♡Where stories live. Discover now