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Beomgyu promised, he wouldn't break it right?

Yeonjun was wide awake, watching the younger boy curled up in his arms, asleep.

The darkness of the room surrounded them, nothing but the moonlight illuminating the area.

Beomgyu was so precious to him.

He didn't understand why Beomgyu wanted to die so bad.

He let his eyes wander to his arms, tracing over his scars.

He watched Beomgyus chest rise and fall with each breath.

Something soothed Yeonjun about watching him take in breaths, about how warm he was.

It showed he was alive.

And he needed him to stay like that.

Anything, he'd do anything.

To keep him like this.

Warm and alive, breathing.

He reached forward, brushing his fingers through his dark hair.

It's grown out quite a lot.

He gently ran his fingers through the sleeping boys hair.

The moonlight trickled through the curtains, the darkness shrouding Beomgyu beautifully.

He scanned over his features, no matter how many times he's looked at his face it never gets old.

Yeonjuns finger brushed his cheeks as he traced over his features.

Beomgyus eyelashes fluttered.

Yeonjun pulled his fingers away.

"Jun?" He whispered, sleep lacing his voice.

"Hey lovely." He whispered back, running his thumb gently over the younger's bottom lip.

Beomgyu lifted his head, pressing into his hand.

Yeonjun hummed, his eyes glued on the younger.

"What's on your mind?" Beomgyu said, the sides of his lips pressing against his palm.


A smile formed on the youngers face.

"You're always on my mind Beomgyu."

A sleepy chuckle came out of Beomgyu, he pressed a small kiss to his palm.

Yeonjuns eyes flickered down to his hand.

Beomgyu pressed more kisses to his hand, his wrist.

"I love you Gyu."

"I love you too." Beomgyu mumbled against his skin.


Kai carfully stepped into the dim room, Taehyun was curled up in the middle of the bed, seemingly still awake.

It had been days.


"Yeah?" Taehyun rasped out, sitting up.

"Have you gotten any sleep yet?"

He shook his head.

"I really don't want to give you any pills Taehyun..you have to understand."

"I know- I just..it hurts.."

"I didn't think detoxing you would mess you up so bad.." Kai sighed.

Taehyun leaned his head against the wall, biting his lip.

"It was- the least I could do after.."

Kai shushed him, sitting next to him on the bed.

"I told you do stop thinking about that, it won't do you any good."

Taehyun nodded, shifting his weight so he leaned against Kai.

"I could get you some NyQuil, the liquid kind?"


"Mhm, I think I have some from when my little sister had a cold." Kai got up, walking into the bathroom.

Taehyun could see faint bruises on his neck.

He felt guilt swill in his stomach.

Kai walked out of the bathroom, handing Taehyun the bottle of NyQuil.

"Try and get some sleep, the sooner your back to school the better."

Taehyun nodded, taking the medicine before setting it on his night stand.

"I'm scared to go back."

Kai frowned. "Why?"

"Yeonjun hates me."

"He'll come around." Kai said in a soft voice.

"You almost died Kai, because of me."

"Stop saying that." Kai said, shifting on the bed.

"I strangled you over drugs-"

"Enough!" Kai rose his voice, wiping his eyes of tears that threatened to fall.

"I said it was fine. I don't care that I was put in the hospital okay? Look at you now, you're recovering. If i had to pay the price of being in the hospital for a bit for you to recover I'd do it again and again Taehyun. How many fucking times do I have to say it? Do i need to spell it out for you?" Kai took in a sharp breath. "I don't care about what you did to me."

"Kai, I-"

Kai shushed him, continuing. "Stop thinking about what you could've done and fix this now."

Taehyun chewed on the inside of his cheek, an uneasy feeling pooling in his stomach.

He shouldn't think like that.

Why is he so forgiving after everything Taehyun had done to him?

Kai leaned forwards and embraced Taehyun in a tight hug, holding him close.

It didn't feel right.

Kai should hate him.

Kai should be scared of him.

This wasn't right.

♡Exit Music (For A Film) || A YeonGyu/BeomJun Story.♡Where stories live. Discover now