
48 1 2

A/N I did it again, sorry for taking forever;-;

//Mature content


"M-maybe a bit, yeah.."

Yeonjun smiled, but not like a normal smile, his eyes were dark and had underlying feelings, Beomgyu knew it was lust, it gave him a weird feeling in his stomach, making him want to hide himself but at the same time throw himself at the older for him to touch as he pleased.

"Then it can be, you can touch me like that, I don't mind."

Beomgyu nodded, reaching a hesitant hand towards Yeonjuns face, pausing in front of it.

Yeonjun keeps stern eye contact with Beomgyu, taking a hold of Beomgyus hand, bringing it to his face and holding his hand against his cheek, before letting go.

Beomgyu swallows dryly, watching the actions of the elder, who is making his stomach do flips.

Yeonjun nestles his cheek comfortably into Beomgyus hand, pressing the sides off his lips into his hand as well, smirking slightly when Beomgyu draws in an affected breath. 

"You can touch me, it's okay."

Beomgyu exhales shakily, moving his thumb to Yeonjuns lips, moving his thumb across them.

Yeonjun watches him, smiling when Beomgyu finally did something.

"They're soft.." Beomgyu mumbles under his breath, swiping his thumb over his top and bottom lips with a feather-like touch.

"Yeah? Do you like it?"

Beomgyu nods, pausing the movement in his thumb before placing it in the middle, pausing again before looking down, embarassment starting to kick in.

Yeonjun places a hand over the one holding his cheek reassuringly, Beomgyu thinks he egging him on to do what he thought of, but Beomgyu doesn't think he can handle it, he's surprised he's been able to keep it together this long, he doesn't have very good self control.

Beomgyu comes back to the present, finally kicked out of his thoughts, looking back up at Yeonjun before softly adding pressure, pushing his thumb inside.

Yeonjun gasps slightly, but parting his lips to make it easier before closing around Beomgyu.

Beomgyus head went blank, letting out a huff of air he didn't know he was holding, pushing his thumb further as Yeonjuns eyes started to water, before gagging slightly.

Beomgyu snapped out of his little trance, looking at Yeonjun with worry, pulling his hand away, cupping both of his cheeks with his hands.

"I-I'm sorry-"

"It's okay, I liked it Beomgyu."


"Yes Beomgyu, I take it you've never done anything like this before?"

Beomgyu nodded his head, looking down timidly.

"Oh that's okay hun."

Beomgyus hands go lax, falling off the elders face.

"You're just- I don't know it's hard not to look at you you know?"

"I don't, explain."

Yeonjun smiled, of course he knew what Beomgyu meant it wasn't hard to decipher, but Beomgyu knew Yeonjun just wanted to hear him talk about how attractive he is.

"You're just- you just know how to do everything and you're just really attractive and-"

Beomgyus face was burning up, and his hands shook indefinitely. 

"Awe, sweet boy look at me."

Yeonjun cups Beomgyus right cheek, bringing his face back up, Beomgyus eyes were glossy, and he squirms under Yeonjuns touch, gentle, yet demanding, it made Beomgyus head spin.

"Do I make you nervous?"

Although, yes he made him very nervous, he found himself relaxing in the  touch, nuzzling into his hand, nodding gently against it.

"Yeah? But do you like it my sweet boy?"

Beomgyus lips turn into a small pout, nodding quickly before crawling closer until their knees bump.

"You aren't talking, too riled up to form any words in that pretty head of yours?"

Beomgyus mouth falls slightly lax, closing his eyes at the feeling of Yeonjuns hand sliding from his cheek up to his head, running his fingers through the youngers hair, watching Beomgyu fall more and more deeper in this headspace of obedience and pliantness.

"Hm, almost like a pet, yeah?"

Beomgyu let the gears turn in his head before lolling his head to the side in confusion.

Yeonjun laughs, combing his fingers through beomgyus dark brown locs.

"How sheltered do you have to be to go into such a state just over a touch?"

Beomgyu whines, looking down at his lap in embarassment.

"Ah, ah, look at me love."

Beomgyu looks back up at him, red painting his face.

"He's really talkin' to me like a pet huh.."

As much as he wanted to hate it, he didn't, in fact he loved it, he always felt so small around the elder.

and it was exhilarating.

"Have you never done anything like this before?"

Beomgyu shakes his head, opening his eyes to Yeonjun cupping his cheek once again.

"What about by yourself? Ever touched yourself Beomgyu?"

Beomgyus eyes widen slightly, red painting his face for the 100th time, not daring to look away from the siren-eyed boy, nodding to him slowly.

"How do you do it? How about you show me, give me somethin' to watch, yeah?"

Beomgyu felt need and want itch his skin, he nodded, agreeing, not even sure why, he didn't even know if he could do it.

But he would try, he wanted to hear the sweet praise again.

"Okay sweet boy, show me."

Beomgyu spoke quietly, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "I n-need a pillow."

"Cute, you use a pillow? Use my thigh instead yeah? Pretend it's a pillow."

Yeonjun leans back slightly, presenting his lap, obviously for Beomgyu to sit, he can tell Yeonjuns affected by it too, his pants were, visibly getting tighter.

Beomgyu swallows dryly, holding onto Yeonjuns shoulders to help get onto his lap, but pauses when he feels the elders hands snake around his waist, lifting him like he weighed nothing, placing him on his left thigh.

Beomgyu squirmed around, getting into a correct position.

"I-I just..do it here, Hyung?"

"Mhm, do you need help or can you do it yourself hm?"

"I-I can do it.."

Beomgyu clutches the soft fabric covering Yeonjuns thigh, moving his hips forward with practiced ease. 

Beomgyus breath hitched and his hips stuttered.

"There you go, keep going."

Beomgyu whines, feeling the soft touch of Yeonjun snaking a arm around his waist, helping him move.

Yeonjun watched the display in front of him, Beomgyus parted lips, breathing heavy on his neck, where he rested his head, his movements becoming faster, needier, grasping Yeonjuns shirt as his hands trembled, not used to the feeling of tender touch of another male, someone that maybe even reciprocate his weird interest in the other.

And when it was over Beomgyus hips shutter to a stop, panting hard into Yeonjun chest as Yeonjun laid them both back on he bed, leaning into Beomgyus ear, (Not even trying to hold back his laugh) whispering.

"Gonna go to sleep with jizz in both of our pants?"


(They didn't)

♡Exit Music (For A Film) || A YeonGyu/BeomJun Story.♡Where stories live. Discover now