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November 5th, Wednesday.

It's been what, two weeks since Kai was discharged from the hospital?

More like one and a half, I think.

My mom's been trying to contact me again.

I don't know how she got my new number this time, especially from the prison.

Yeonjuns upset with Taehyun, even though Kai has been begging for him to let it go.

I didn't feel angry, I know if  him and I were in that situation he would feel the same as Kai.

The days Kai was in the hospital were overwhelming, Kai choked on his own blood in the middle of the night and had to be transported back into the ICU.

Taehyun was there when it happened, he said he'll never forget the sounds of the machines beeping, or the way Kai choked for air.

I don't like hospitals, Yeonjun knows that so he stopped dragging me along with him to see Kai, although most times I would just wait in the car, I think Yeonjun appreciated that.

Kai's better now, although he seems different, more meek.

The cut Yeonjun made on my arm is healing, I hope it scars.

I don't want it to heal.

Ever since I tried to kill myself Yeonjun hid all of the pills in both of our houses, considering I'm either at his or he's at mine, we haven't spent a night apart yet.

He won't let me take my medicine anymore.

It's okay, I forgive him, I would probably act the same.

There's a part in my house that's bad.

The bathroom downstairs, I cant use it anymore.

It's bad.

Something bad will happen if I even step one foot in there, I keep Yeonjun from going inside too, what if it gets him? No, I can't let that happen.'

I have to walk past it to go into the kitchen.

I haven't eaten in awhile.

Yesterday I tried to get water, I heard it whisper to me.

The door was open, I couldn't see inside it was late and the lights were off.

It spoke, It almost made me want to go inside.

But no, it was trying to lure me, I started to cry, my head felt light and my whole body trembled.

I ran back upstairs to where Yeonjun was, he consoled me.

I didn't tell him about the bad room, I want him safe.

I think I heard my dad too, one time in the hospital waiting room.

It was just a whisper, it was late at night, the night Kai choked on his blood.

I looked for him for almost an hour, until Yeonjun stopped me and brought me back to the chairs.

I told Yeonjun all of my diagnosis', he looked slightly shocked.

He said  that he wished he could take my problems and make them his own instead.

That made me cry.

People used to call me crazy, insane, not "all there", even when I didn't say I had schizophrenia, and just told them OCD they would still call me crazy.

I'm not crazy.

These past weeks have been blurring together, it all feels weird, I don't see a lot of meaning to things anymore, why am I even still here?

I feel empty.




He's why.

Yeonjun is the only meaning I have, things matter if it involves him.

Maybe that's why I couldn't cry when Kai was in the hospital, I did feel bad, I did, I just couldn't find the meaning.

Would I be here long enough to mourn if he really did die?

I have to be for Yeonjun.

Yeonjun, Yeonjun, Yeonjun, Yeo


The brunette flinches away from the notebook, turning to Yeonjun,  laying his head lazily on the desk, dark eyes trained up, looking fondly towards Beomgyu.

"Hm?" Beomgyu hummed, closing his notebook.

"Whatcha writing?"

"I'm supposed to keep a diary, but I don't ever write in it but I was bored, so.."

"Mmm, okay." Yeonjun smiled, sliding his hand over Beomgyus, which rested on the desk.

Beomgyu laid his head over their hands, face now just a few inches away from Yeonjuns.

Yeonjun didn't want to go to lunch because of Taehyun, so, they decided to stay in the empty classroom.

Yeonjun laughs softly, causing Beomgyus lips to quirk up into a small smile.

Beomgyu loved his laugh.

"What are you listening to?" Beomgyu whispered, softly tucking yeonjuns hair behind his ear, a wireless headphone being inside.

"Goodbye Yellow Brick Road."

Beomgyu giggles, scrunching his nose. 

"Really? Elton John? I didn't take you for a 70's guy."

Yeonjun scoffs playfully, standing from his seat.

Beomgyu rolls his eyes, smiling, lifting his head from the desk.

"Um, 70's is the BEST era, excuse you!"

"That's just not true, Hyung."

Yeonjun disconnects his bluetooth, causing the song to blare loudly through his speaker.

"I already have a headache- WOAH-"

Beomgyu gasps as Yeonjun swiftly picks him up from the seat, his phone on the floor.

Yeonjun tugs Beomgyu to his chest, holding him firm by the waist.

Yeonjun spins them in a circle, swaying dramatically from side to side.

"Um-" Beomgyu laughs. "I didn't consent to dancing, this is immoral."

"Is it?"

"Yes!" Beomgyu smiles.

Yeonjun rolls his eyes, singing off-key along to the song as he swayed them side to side.

Beomgyu opens his mouth to protest again, words quickly dying when Yeonjun kisses him, smiling.

Beomgyu closes his eyes, looping his arms around Yeonjuns neck.

"This is meaning." Beomgyu thought to himself, kissing him harder, Yeonjun melted into Beomgyu instantly. 

♡Exit Music (For A Film) || A YeonGyu/BeomJun Story.♡Where stories live. Discover now