Chapter 93 - Does family mean nothing to you?

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- At the time I'm writing this, it has been a solid year and a bit, so forgive me if I forget details or add information that contradicts the information given prior. Everything is slowly coming back to me. 

- Unfortunately, this had been the only chapter I had worked on as I had lost motivation on writing anything. Maybe because I got burnt out with the vast number of words I actually wrote up till now, or just my education and life got in the way. I cannot promise that I am back and up and running to continue this story but I'm posting this chapter in hopes of motivating and pushing future me (who lowkey has undiagnosed OCD) to complete the unfinished story. If you see this story status change back to uncomplete/ongoing, it means I'm actively working on the chapters again ^.^

- I kind of forgot the details of how the second couple's story is going to go, only just the general gist so you guys would still have to wait a while even if I got back into it. 

- Once again, thank you to everyone who read till now or even those who dropped it half way. Without you guys, this story would've probably never reached chapter 93.

- No beta so forgive my mistakes.


POV: Aiden

This cannot be happening right now.

But before we get to that, let's talk about how my best fucking friend FINALLY got his shit together and finally got with the man he had been pining after for what feels like a decade. Actually, scratch that. He didn't get his shit together. I got his shit together.

Both of those fuckers should be grovelling and worshiping me till the end of dawn. Except, all I got was a simple text message saying thanks and another saying not to bother them for a few days so they can have hot, steamy, uninterrupted sex. Honestly, I feel like I'm not appreciated enough these days and should just ditch these losers.

Whatever, as long as Nero (and I guess Leo) is happy. I think it'd been around a week since they'd entered their intense honeymoon stage. Like seriously, you'd think Nero would be all against PDA and at first glance, it looked like he was. But I swear that guy was secreting goading on his boyfriend to be bolder each time. Like cute but also stop before you both get arrested for public indecency.

As much as I complain though, I'm glad Nero is open to me about their juicy endeavours and whatnot. I'm a nosy bitch who wants to know about my best friend's successful love life so I could ignore my own unsuccessful one.

While Erwin and I were still working together, we haven't properly spoken or interacted outside of the work context. It's horrifying awkward each time we're in each other's presence and my chest throbs painfully every time I'm in his vicinity. I'm constantly reminded of how my shitty high standards constantly put me a position of one-sided, painful pining with no resolution whatsoever.

As if Erwin could love this mess.

So yeah, needless to say... I've been a grumpy fellow with a menacing aura for a while.

And that aura got a whole lot worse due to the scumbag sitting across from me. This leads back to the whole "this cannot be happening right now" pizazz.

My eldest brother was sitting across me. You know, the one that made my childhood a living hell and destroyed any sort of existing self-esteem. Yeah, that fucker.

Now you may be wondering... why didn't I just NOT go and not say no? After all, I gained somewhat of a backbone.

And to that I say, I had been physically and forcefully dragged out of my own home to a café nearby so he could say whatever the fuck he wanted to say.

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