Chapter 36

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Jordan's point of view

I sat in my room, my fingernails tapping against my desk as Timothy raided my closet for an outfit. My stomach was filled with nerves, and has been ever since I woke up. My teeth were tugging on my bottom lip a little roughly, but I didn't care.

"This, like a mini 5sos outfit." He said and threw some clothes on my bed, I looked at it and then at Timothy who then threw those heeled combat boots on my floor beside the outfit. "It's cute, I think?"

"I'll go put it on." I said and he nodded. I grabbed the clothes and went to my bathroom. I stripped down and threw on the leather skirt and tight All Time Low shirt. I tucked in my black band shirt and then threw the red flannel on before I stepped out.

"It does look cute, oh." Timothy said and motioned me to spin around. "Nice, nice nice. Now, come here for jewelry and make-up."

"You're not doing my make-up Timothy, you'll end up stabbing me in my eye." I told him and he laughed. He handed me a chord necklace with a clear crystal and a normal black tattoo choker. I put them on and fixed them in my mirror I had on my desk.

"Put your shoes on and then um go to one of the guys for make-up." He told me and I nodded even though I wasn't going to wear make-up. "You know, you should wear outfits like this more often." He said after I finished lacing them up.

"Calm down Timothy," I said as I put in my piercings. "Skirts aren't my thing so don't get too excited there." I told him and smiled. "Feels good to have these in after so long."

"You look better with them on, like, you look more yourself." He said and I nodded. "Not to mention, I love the feeling of your lip ring when we kiss." He said, not blushing as he normally would.

"Well, now that I know," I said and puckered my lips. He chuckled and gave me a kiss. We pulled away quickly as the door opened and I saw Christian.

"Luke, Luke said they called about Taylor." He said and I jumped up, my chair flying behind me and hitting my bed. "They said they found the location. They said they're going in and searching for us."

"Oh my god," I said and looked at Timothy. "Did you hear that? Timmy! Oh my god," I repeated and jumped up and down. I covered my mouth and my eyes began to water.

"Oh my god, they know where he is? I get to see my best friend again! I missed him!" Timothy said and then stopped me from jumping. "Your skirt goes up a lot when you jump, stop." He said and I laughed with Chris.

"Swetheart, did you hear the news?" Ashton asked as he opened my door wider. I nodded quickly and ran up to Ashton. I gave him a hug and he hugged me back. "I told you we'll get him back."

"Oh my god, I can't believe it." I said and I heard a sigh. It was an annoyed and irritated sigh. The sound of heels tapped against the floor and I know they were not mine.

"Ashton, hurry up, I still need to talk to you. You can talk to her about that boy later, it's not like he's dead." She said and I tensed up. Ashton rubbed my back and reassured me that he'd be perfectly okay. "Pay attention to me for once. You're always with her. Who are you dating, me or her?"

"Jordan, go take your friends to the backyard or to the front yard or something. I really don't want you guys to hear what I'm about to say." He told me and I nodded.

I went into my room and grabbed their hands. "Want to go outside?" I asked and they nodded. "Grab my skateboard, the blue and red on I have in my closet against the wall."

Christian grabbed it and then we ran out of my room. We went to the backyard and I closed the sliding door. "Ashton is going to yell colorful words at Vivian and he didn't want us to hear." I told them and they laughed as Christian set the board down and stood on it.

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