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Doctor Léa explained "Yeah I saw videos this morning, I mean you saved it at the end of the day. People still love you."

We were discussing the Chicago show as we awaited my blood test results, we weren't really concerned about anything but I still needed to have more checkups than most.

"Yeah it was just really bad, my sleep has been bad and I think it's catching up to me." I explained to her as she sat down on the chair by her desk.

"I mean the amount of travelling and stuff might just be a shock to the system, how much are you sleeping a night?" She asked as my results were being run through on the screen.

"Like an hour or two, it's really hard."

Doctor léa prescribed me with some sleeping pills that I'm going to try over the next few weeks, hopefully I'll be sleeping better then but my blood test results came back good.

"Melody the dosage you have now is great, your hyperthyroidism is getting so much better. Keep it up okay?" She asked and I nodded along in agreement "I will."

Once the doctors was over it was only four and I had absolutely no clue what to do with myself so naturally, I went to my old home and sat in the car on the driveway again.


"Melody! Come in." Charles said ushering me into the house with his arm,  he must've heard the car on the drive.

I followed behind him and went back into the house, it was the exact same as it was in January but i didn't really expect much difference in that time.

"Dressed for dinner huh?" He referenced my outfit which consisted of loose jogging bottoms and an oversized top with a black cap.

I laughed "Well more like doctors."

"How was that? If you don't mind me asking-

I interrupted him "My blood test was positive and I now have medication for my sleep, all is well."

He nodded along sensing something was clearly wrong "I saw the show in Toronto online, do you uh want to talk about it?"

I shook my head awkwardly "No, not really."

I watched the videos of it on the plane, I was stood there crying for ten minutes whilst the dancers were all confusedly looking at each other as I mumbled the words of my songs.

It was pretty bad.

He sighed looking at me up and down "Melody, you don't have to have dinner I don't want to push you."

Clearly I seemed a little fucked up.

"I'm here now, although I don't feel like going out anywhere." I lazily said as the sofa was becoming more comfortable by the second.

"We can order in?" He suggested which I gratefully accepted.

"So what's been going on in your life?" I asked him as I sank back into the chair but remained eye contact.

"Don't even get me started with Ferrari. The strategy's are awful but I can't do anything about it and it's so annoying." He expressed as he put a blanket over himself.

"I could tell-  in Saudi Arabia Christian was practically pissing himself over Fred and the strategy over there." I admitted, and he sighed nodding along.

"Honestly, I reckon you'd do a better job than Fred." He joked, "Women should always be team principals they'd get the job done."

I nodded in agreement "I'm so tired of the misogyny and internalised misogyny females in f1 have to put up with it's actually ridiculous."

"At least your brothers doing well." Charles brushed over, it was a sore subject considering every time Max won the first thing he'd say was 'Better than the current world champion'

"Your the world champion though. That's a huge accomplishment." I referenced as the trophy was on the coffee table, not where I would have it personally but hey ho.

"Mel we all know that was Maxs win." He sighed rubbing his eyes a little, it was weird to be sat here having a normal conversation like adults.

I shrugged innocently "I don't know, I think you both worked for it that day."

He sighed "I only realised you weren't in the Ferrari paddock when I won. I was scanning for you everywhere."

I sat up on the sofa and rubbed my arms, the house was cold like I'd remembered "I'm sorry do you want the blanket?"

I shook my head "No no, my tour bus is colder. I think I broke the heating or something I don't know."

He chuckled "Course you did."

I rolled my eyes jokingly "I didn't think it was a thermostat alright?"

Charles laughed "How is the tour going? Your label is pretty big, your singing is everywhere."

"Yeah, it's a bit hectic but I guess I'll get used to it. Just miss the cats."

"Fuck what are they doing whilst your on tour?" He ventured as he grabbed his phone from the table and began ordering food.

"Penelope is watching them for me, she loves them so much I'm tempted to get her one. Max would kill me though." I retorted.

"I think max is going to kill me every race." Charles added.

"Oh give him some credit he wouldn't do it publicly." I chuckled and he shook his head.

"I'd deserve it to be honest."

"Yeah you would, dickhead." I said remembering the tabloids that day, my phone was buzzing for hours.

"Melody one day I really hope I make it up to you. It's something I carry regret with each day." He admits taking the blanket off and looking at the goosebumps on my arms.

"Charles stop making it hard for me." I said as he placed the blanket over me but went back to his sofa.

"What do you mean?" He asked innocently but I knew he understood what I meant.

"I think a lot... about what life would be like right now if you hadn't have cheated. Would we be living in this house? Would we be living somewhere else? Would I be on tour?" I rambled and he nodded along.

"It's hard not knowing." He admits.

"Do you know what else is hard, not knowing that your boyfriend is out kissing other girls." I couldn't resist the urge to pounce when I could.

"Melody, as much as that is true. You're here sat with me now and it confuses me so much. You're willing to give my family tickets to the show and have dinner with me and then drop comments like that?" He says his tone raising slighting when the door bell is rung and he goes to grab the pizza boxes.

I ignore what he is saying and head to the kitchen and grab the plates which are in the same place they always were, I pick up two and turn around to give them to him when he is stood right in front of me.

No matter what craziness was going on and despite everything, he made me feel safe. He was looking at me intently, his thumb was rubbing slow circles over my cheek. I gave in to his touch, leaning my head against his chest.

His scent brought comfort to my senses "What do you want melody?" He mumbled as he rested his chin on my head comfortably.

"I don't know Charles." My voice muffled by his shirt, I leaned out from his touch slightly as he lowered himself to my mouth.

I pressed the softest most meaningful kiss to his lips, he breathed out through his nose, the smell of his cologne engulfing me, I couldn't avoid it any longer.

The heart wants what it wants.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now