thirty seven

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"Are you alright Jess?" Isa asked her turning the volume on the television down.

"I'm just so sorry- I didn't-

"Whats wrong Jess? What are you sorry for?" I confusedly asked her turning my body to face her.

"I- you haven't even figured it out."

"What?" Isa asked confusedly.

"Oh my gosh my sister was right you are stupid Mel." Jess claimed putting her face in her hands, I raised a brow to Isa as we both sat confused.

I shrugged "Your sister?"

"Yeah- you might remember her as the one who snogged your boyfriend?" Jesse sighed, ashamed but also seemingly menacing.

"No- I never learnt her name-

"Oh my god melody," she paused "My sister Louise, your old manager. The one you fired for no apparent reason."

What the hell.

"Louise never kissed Charles, the photo was done in a weird angle, Carlos was there and he wouldn't have lied." Isa defended me.

"She says differently." Jesse shrugged holding her head in her hands.

"Oh trust me I know, she's been leaking all this fake crap to the news articles for months after the whole fake kiss incident." I shrugged, it was super annoying to deal with honestly.

A knocking at the door then occurred, as if in a fucking horror movie. Isa stood up and walked over to see who it was and of course it was none other than Louise.

"Hi Mel did you miss me?" She asked as she waltzed in sitting down besides Jess her sister.

That rang a bell, Jess Williams and Louise Williams.

"Not really, I did fire you for a reason." I replied sitting up, Isa came back into the living room sitting closely to me.

"Yeah about that, I want my full pay for the year." Louise sternly said, which was extremely random.

"I paid you for the time you worked for me, but guess what you don't work for me? So why would I pay you?" I replied confused beyond belief.

Jess was sat next to her, tears cascading down her face and god damn did they look alike once they were sat next to each other.

"Hm because if you don't I'll let your sweet dad Jos know all about that baby in there, how many months are you now 8?" Louise threatened, the instant mentioning of my dad put my hair on end.

"What the fuck-

Louise chuckled "I mean gosh I wonder what he'd do, I doubt he'd be sending hammers after that, perhaps he'd move up to hiring a hitman on Charles next?"

"How do you know about the hammer?" I asked tears threatening to fall from my eyes.

"What hammer are you on about?" Isa quizzed confusedly, Jess continued to cry next to Louise.

"Oh sweetheart because I sent it." Louise replied to me menacingly, my heart dropped within my chest.

"From the murder scene- you- you fucking killed Luke." I gasped holding my hands over my mouth, vomit threatening to come up.

Isa sat saying nothing, just baffled.

She rolled her eyes "Not exactly, the hitman your daddy hired did."

An abundance of questions began forming in my head "So why did you have the hammer? Why would my father have reason to kill Luke?"

"Because I've been in contact with your dad since you fired me, updating him everywhere you are. Seems Isa forgot to delete me from your daily schedule, I'm always watching." Louise smugly smiled, Isa began to tear up next to me.

You're fucked in the head louise, you told my dad where I was and he sent the notes and he killed Lucas." I figured, fuming.

"He only sent the hitman on Luke because we all thought he was your boyfriend after the article came out, jess also thought the same and gave us the wrong fucking information, such an idiot." Louise explained rolling her eyes at Jess.

My voice came out in a whisper "Jess really?"

"Melody I-

Makes sense looking back, the notes had gotten into my bag at the funeral, the funeral of which I was sat next to Jess who could have easily placed them in my bag, Jesus Christ.

Louise was in hysterics "Yes Mel the only reason she was on your tour was to get information. The only reason she was at the Dutch Grand Prix was because she was figuring out the relationship status of you and Charles for your precious daddy."

My heart physically ached, "Jess how could you do that?" Isa asked her.

"Because she saw me working like a fucking dog for you melody, I worked my arse off for you. I'm responsible for all of your success and I got fuck all back." Louise interrupted not giving Jess a chance to speak.

I rolled my eyes "So you decided to find my dad and plot with him to what kill whoever I'm dating for fun and sent me creepy notes?"

Dramatic much?

"Bingo! It's about time you got it fucking hell. But now your dad has his sights on your boy Charles and imagine the horror on his face when he finds out he knocked you up, Charles will be killed within minutes of that news." Louise threatened.

"So what are you negotiating here?" Isa asked as she wiped my eyes and held me closely.

"Thirty million each." Louise smiled widely.

"If I pay you how do I know your not going to just run back to my dad and tell him about the baby and Charles anyway?" I suggested, she wasn't smart enough for this.

"I haven't told him yet so why would I now?" She shrugged.

"Because you would have your pay why not ruin my life whilst your at it, you sick fucking psycho." I snarled at her as she looked at me wide eyed.

Jess sniffled "Melody I'm so sorry- really I didn't-

"Shut up Jess! Do one fucking job right!" Louise screeched at her sister who was sat there in floods of tears.

Isa whispered to my ear cautiously "Don't do it melody, don't give them what they want."

"So you want sixty million to not tell my dad about the baby or my relationship with Charles?" I double checked as Louise nodded holding her hands on her knees.

"It's that simple Mel."

I shrugged "How do I know you won't kill him yourself you know where I live? I would give it to you sixty million right now but I don't fucking trust you."

As I continued to debate with her over the whole blackmail situation the cops pulled up on the drive, the sirens wailing incredibly loud Louise jumped up immediately running for an exit.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now