thirty eight

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Louise had failed to consider that due to the many concerning notes of the past, and the fact I had stayed with Isa and Carlos after the murder in Dallas the whole house had cameras in every room but the bathroom.

Cameras of which Carlos had access too at any moment in time, when Louise showed up at the doorstep Isa had texted him:

Isa 🙂
Louise just showed up at the door! Watch the camera footage I'm so confused.

Carlos obviously had watched along as Louise admitted to plotting murder with my dad and had attempted to blackmail me out of sixty million and had called the cops from Brazil and sent the footage across via screen record.

"You fucking called the cops you are an idiot melody! A fucking idiot!" Louise screeched pulling a gun from her pocket without hesitation shooting the ceiling showing that it was in fact loaded.

Isa's house was mainly glass so the three cop cars outside could all see the situation inside, Louise held her gun up towards me as I stood with my arms covering my stomach.

"Louise- put the gun down." Isa commanded trembling as she said it, she was stood beside me with her arms in the air defensively.

"If I'm already going to fucking prison might as well make the sentence last longer hm?" She threatened putting the gun off of safety.

"Louise- this- no this is wrong." Jess whimpered from behind her as she nervously chewed her nails.

"Fuck off Jess. Why not kill the girl who made my life difficult while I have the chance?" Louise joked as she walked closer to me.

"Louise I will pay you whatever you want alright, please don't shoot- I'm about to be a mum- I have so much to live for Louise please." I begged as tears were streaming down my face.

Isa moved herself in front of me "If you're going to shoot, do it at me alright? You fucking freak."

"Isa -no." I shoved her out of the way of my body, despite the fact I had a baby to protect I was not letting my best friend die.

"Wow how moving," Louise sarcastically commented "I have more than one bullet, I'll just kill you both duh."

The police were guarding all exits of the house, I recognised my security team pulling up the drive at the same time as this was an armed attack now.

"Louise I will pay you and I will fucking-

"Stop lying melody! That's all you ever bloody do! You're a stuck up little rich bitch who sleeps around like a whore and went for the racing driver with the most money." Louise spat her voice laced in poison.

"Oh we all know that's not true louise calm down." Isa replied annoyedly.

"Oh you want to talk Isa? Remember the time when you told and Carlos were sat down saying that the adoration album was really dumb and it sounded like she was a dying cat." Louise commented laughing at the memory.

"Wait what?" I asked confused, the gun still aimed at me not even phasing me anymore.

What the hell were the cops doing?

"Oh Mel remember when you were annoyed at Isa because there was rumour that she slept with your brother hm that was true, hence why Kelly never used to like Isa." Louise shrugged as she appeared closer to us.




She walked over to me and I could've sworn that was it for me, she'd kill me but she grabbed my hair and pulled me outside with her placing the barrel of the gun on my temple.

The cold metal against my warm skin, "I'm outside now guys!" Louise exclaimed as the gun remained against me.

The police all had their guns facing her ready to take fire as she refused to put down the weapon, "Louise put down the weapon or we will shoot you."

"Great and I'll shoot her." Louise smiled menacingly, this was not the same girl who was my manager all that time ago.

My dad had brainwashed her, she was corrupt.

Neighbours were gathering around on the street confused as to what the hysteria was over as more and more police cars pulled up to the house.

Isa was looking at me from the inside of the house, my vision was getting blurrier as the police became figures due to the tears in my eyes.

"If she shoots me please- please save my baby." I choked out in a sob as Louise was not changing her mind.

"Louise we can do this one of two ways the easy way or the hard way-

"That's cute, real cute. I've always loved the easy way of life but you know since being fired from my job the hard way is something I'm used to." Louise smirked psychotically to the police.

And that's when it happened a single shot was fired by a police officer instantly knocking Louise down beside me, a pool of blood forming around her head as it hit her at the temple.

"Melody!" Isa screeched as she noticed the pool of blood surrounding me where Louises' surely dead body laid.

"Louise...?" I whispered, I leant down closer to her more tears pricking in my eyes. As stupid as she was and as annoyed at her as I was she didn't deserve death.

Jess ran out from the house pulling her sister into her lap, the blood splatter all over the both of us instantly, the cops tested her pulse and put her into a body bag and had cuffed Jess within seconds.

God damn.

"Ma'am you have some bleeding from your arm do you mind if we check that, we think it's a bullet graze we can bandage quickly." A paramedic asked as he pulled me up from the bloody ground.

Isa stood still from the house, watching the chaos unfold in-front of her eyes, "Knock yourself out." I told him as he pulled up the sleeve of my shirt to inspect the slight wound.

But all I was thinking about was whether what Louise said about Isa was true.

adoration: part two Where stories live. Discover now