Chapter 5: A Valuable Death

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Before they could finish the job, three small black balls rolled right next to me. Before I could even try to process what it was, they all emitted smoke that encompassed the battlefield that we were fighting on.

"Ambush-" As one of the rogues tried to warn his comrades, he was quickly cut down.

The more I looked around, the more of my attackers were being dispatched. Keyword is dispatched. They weren't being killed, but they were somehow being rendered immobilized as soon as this mystery person's blade cut them.

"Ranged heroes, let loose! If we can't obtain Potenshia, then it'll have to go down along with its user!"

A saw various lights and arrows make their way towards me but were blocked by another force.

"Theory Craft: Dome!"

As the smoke cleared I got a clearer idea of who my savior was. The long blue hair that swayed in front of me made me assume that the person was a woman. She had her hands extended in different directions. probably to keep the barrier up. Moments after, she snapped the fingers of one of her hands and said "Times Two."

The ranged heroes' attack was returned to them twice-fold. Hundreds of arrows, bolts of lighting, and fireballs went flying in all different directions out of the dome. As I watched the spectacle in front of me, a priestess ran up to me and hovered her hands above my chest.

"Healing! Safe travel!" The priestess spoke two skills into existence and my extremely low HP began to increase at a significant rate. Not only that, but I was put on a stretcher that floated slightly above the ground.

"We're good to go, Lucia!" The priestess said.

"Perfect!" The blue haired Repeller said.

The Repeller led the escape followed by the priest and me in a floating stretcher. As we ran through the forest, a dark-cloaked figure dashed right next to us and started speaking to Lucia. I couldn't understand their conversation due to me fading in and out of consciousness. I only remember seeing bits and pieces as I was rushed to the guild hall and set on a bed in a separate room.

The priestess used healing skills on me over and over until my vision started to return to me and I could move. As my vision completely returned to me, I looked around to see the priestess and Repeller give off sighs of relief.

"Thank goodness! He's out of FYL." The priestess laid back in her chair.

"FYL?" I questioned.

"Fight for your life. When you're under ten percent HP, you begin to have this hazy feeling. It's to warn you that you're about to die." The priestess filled me in.

"It's a good thing we made it in time. If not, you would've been a goner! Nice to meet you. My name is Lucia." The Repeller's smile was warm and inviting as she extended her hand to me. I couldn't help but shake it.

"This lady that just saved your life is my wonderful priestess Deltalock." Lucia presented Deltalock to me and she gave me a standard greeting.

Deltalock was a petite girl with blonde hair and green eyes. She was slightly more armored than most of my attackers, so it's safe to assume that she's leveled higher.

In that moment, the dark-cloaked figure that I just barely saw during that fight stepped into the room holding a bowl of soup. He wore red leather armor with brown accents and had a black cloak with a hood to cover the entire thing.

"It's a shame that we let those PK bastards get away. By the way, I'm Draco. Nice to meet you." He walked in and handed me the bowl of soup as he complained. There's no way that these two had parents that gave them these names. Lucia is normal, Draco is a bit out there, but Deltalock is just outrageous!

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