Chapter 8: The Trial by Fire

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"So what is it?"

"What is what?"

"THE TRIAL BY FIRE!" I slammed my fist against the table of the guild hall.

"After you said that, you didn't even wait for my answer. You just started running off to the guild hall."

"Oh, right. The trial by fire. There's a quest that I tried to undergo, but I've been having difficulties with it. Long story short, there's a manor in the upper reach that has a ghost problem. It's a classic poltergeist. Anyone that ventures into the east wing of the manor gets killed. It was a level three quest at first, but more and more heroes died, so the recommended level got upgraded to eleven. That's when I got my hands on it. On my first try, the ghost took the weapons off of me and the unit I was working with. Thankfully, no one died that time, but I lost my shield. It was a red item."

"I've been meaning to ask, how do items work in this game? How do you know what items are better than others?"

"I'm not your fairy. Now wait here. I have to go recruit a proper unit for this quest." Aegis walked off to go upstairs.

You were so eager to tell me about frontiers but not about items? Whatever. I'll just ask Faye about it.

I called out Faye's name and she popped into the room right in front of me. "Heya!"

"Hey Faye. Do you mind telling me how ranking items in this game works?" I asked the fairy.

Faye then began to break down items. Each item has a tier that's color-coded. From lowest to highest, they go like this: blue, green, purple, red, and yellow. Potenshia and Aegis's shield are both red tier items, so that should go to show how good they are. Apparently, yellow items are so rare, only one player has one at the moment. My axe however is a blue tier item-


I opened my items and still saw that it was equipped. It had not only the "E" which represented that it was equipped, it had an "X" next to it as well. My poor axe that I got from the two wolves...

During the fight with Anarchy, They took my own axe and used it against me for a moment. But here my UI magic was, claiming that I had it equipped...But I don't have it!

Faye noticed my confusion and commented "Think of items as things you summon into existence once you add them into your inventory for use later. Your axe is still equipped but its completely broken. You can tell by the E and X. As for getting it back, all you have to do is unequip it and equip it again."

I pushed a couple of buttons to unequip it and equip it again and what appeared before my eyes wasn't the axe I went into battle with...

A collection of pieces of wood and two halves of the blade of my axe appeared before my eyes and dropped to the floor.

"Oh no. It looks like Anarchy got mad that they lost you and took it out on your axe." Faye frowned.

My knees dropped to the floor.

THIS is my axe? They literally split the damn blade in half. HOW DID THEY SPLIT THE BLADE IN HALF? WHYYYYYYY WOULD THEY SPLIT THE BLADE IN HALF?!?!

"I'll kill them all..."

"Don't worry about it, Matthew! We can get a new one or even fix this one!"

"You won't need a weapon where we're going, Matthew." Aegis returned with two other people.

One was a rogue and the other was a priestess. Both of them were level nine.

I could tell by their body language that they were dating. Is every offense player dating every support player or something? Do girls like offense players? Does Lucia like offense players? The rogue then sent me an invite to his party. I looked at Aegis for some help.

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