Chapter 21: The Responsibility of the Strong

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The only option that could 100% guarantee our win was to get Roxline out here tom one-shot everything!

"Vital Puncture!" Gash successfully stunned Petal as soon as she threw three crystals my direction.

The crystals were each colored blue and displayed the reverse of a death animation for monsters as soon as Petal threw them. While they were all in the air, thousands of tiny red crystals were created and gathered around the crystals to form two goblins and an orc. All of which turned around to dispatch of Petal's attacker.

"Todd! Jeff! Take Matthew's friends far away from here! All the way back to Jericho!"

The two slimes that had Aegis and Violet trapped began to sludge away, but I made it just in time to cut down one of them.

"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" I yelled as I used all of my might to take down the slime that had Violet encased in one fell swoop. As it returned to its crystal form, Violet still had some residue slime being dissipated that she tried to wipe off, but managed to make it even worse. "Ewww..." She said.

Since the slime is dead, it's going to go away, so it's not like it's that bad.

I had no time to immediately save Aegis, so the other slime slid away with him, Aegis wearing a face disappointment as he was carried off. It was as if he was saying "Dude, really?" As he disappeared into the horizon. Can you blame me? We need a healer!

As the two goblins lunged at me, I dodged them and ran to the back of the carriage. I peered inside and saw Roxline and Polk with their eyes closed. It was Polk's turn to log off for a break, so I didn't expect him to be on. Roxline however...

"WE'RE UNDER ATTACK!" I grabbed the mage by her shoulders and shook her awake.

"We are?" Roxline rubbed her eye.

"Yes!" I took her and dragged her out of the tent.

As I dragged her out, she immediately used one of her skills to fend off the attackers.

"Wind God's Cry!" She swung her staff to the right and with it, came destructive winds comparable to the strongest of hurricanes. Petal and her crew of monsters immediately had to go on the offensive. It was as if they already knew who they were dealing with as soon as they confirmed who she was.

As for Petal and her giant, the giant immediately prostrated his body across the road, blocking the Support hero from everyone else. It then used an ability that turned it's skin to steel. It must've been trying to harden itself to soften the blow. Petal even attempted to increase the giants defenses.

"MONSTROUS DEFENSE!" She yelled out to buff the giant.

As soon as the Roxline's attack made contact with the giant's side, it clashed. And once it clashed, for the first time, the winds had an opposing force resist it.

All other winds ended up destroying everything in front of us. The winds cut and took down every tree in front of us. Countless thundering sounds could be heard as the trees that were cut down hit the floor. Once the dust and smoke cleared, it was revealed that the forest was no longer a forest, but a field of stumps and logs. I was completely blown away. So this is what a level 45 mage could do in this game. Amazing...

The dust clearing also revealed that the giant didn't make it either. a large pool of blood lied on the floor where the giant used to be. On the end of the pool of blood was Gash, Petal, and the three monsters recovering from being blown back a couple of yards.

Gash saw this as an opportunity and took down the monsters as they were trying to get up. He was about to end Petal, but she presented a crystal that glowed yellow. He stopped in his tracks at the sight of it.

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