Chapter 14: What is Love?

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Carrying Elizabeth, I ran over to the Bellows and Violet for safety. When I did, I handed her over to Violet and she began to heal her.

A tall, buff man carrying an axe twice my size approached me. He had a very serious face and looked like a "no nonsense" type of individual.

"Is this the 'Sherlock to your Watson' that you were speaking about, Purple?"

"My name is Violet, but yes. This is the guy." Violet pointed me out.

"Glad you could...make it... Galex." Elizabeth tried to talk through the pain she was feeling.

"You blackmailed us into coming." Galex darted his eyes towards the crowd of guards charging at us.

"Damn straight!" Elizabeth pumped her hand in the air as Violet healed her leg.

Once she was healed up, she joined the front line with Galex and I. Violet followed right behind her. I insisted that she stayed back for her own safety, but she wanted to join the action as well. Hey, if she wants to join in, who am I to stop her?

"CHAAAAAAAAAARGE!" Galex led the charge and everyone else followed. We made sure that our heavy hitters were spread out throughout the battlefield to find strong opponents and dispatch of them. As I moved throughout the crowd, cutting and getting cut, I saw Violet in the back trying her best to heal and keep up with me. It didn't bother me as much until she wasn't paying attention to someone that was charging her right side. As I was splitting someone in two with my axe, I did a heavy swing to my right to cleave the head of the guard charging her. As his head fell into the shallow water, I turned to Violet.


"AHHH! OKAY!" She jolted out of fright and ran off to help somewhere else.

I didn't want to be that rude about it, but her heals are practically being wasted on me. Any DPS I do is being turned into healing. Couple that with me being in the center of a warzone and I get an infinite health pool. Some Bellow could use that healing of hers way more than I could.

As we were all cutting through the guards, I noticed that one of them was way bigger than the rest. He seemed like a captain because his armor was more decorated than the rest. Galex was the only man big enough to take him, but he was busy. That leaves the beast to me...

As the captain cleaved through groups of Bellows, I dashed into melee range as he was preparing another swing. Before my axe could connect with his armor, he kicked me into the air and sent me flying into the ceiling of the sewer. My back felt a sudden surge of pain as I noticed my HP dropping rapidly. I almost lost grip of my axe as I began to fall. If this wasn't a game, I'm certain I would've passed out then and there. Damn! I didn't even think about people using other forms of attack when their hands are occupied. I couldn't help but show my devilish grin as I used the gravity from falling to help me attack the captain. He braced himself just in time for our blades to make contact. The opposing force he had to help him was enough to keep me suspended in the air.


"YOU DAMN RUFFIAN! I'LL SEND YOU TO THE DEEPEST PITS OF HELL WHERE YOU BELONG!" The captain used his sword to send me flying across the battle once I lost my momentum.

Across the battle, an unspoken rule already formed among the weaker fighters: Don't get in the way of the captain or the Bloodfallen. I could tell because as I recovered, people didn't even bother looking at me. In fact, they did their best to ignore me and continue their individual battles.

As I walked through the crowd, I thought to myself: what could I do to land successful hits on him? I looked at my skills and found a fourth one in my hotbar. The skill was called "Deathly Lunge" and it makes it so that I dash at super sonic speeds to attack my foe and make a critical hit. It's worth a shot. I need to take him down so fast, he won't know what hit him until it's over. I took a battle stance as I yelled out "Deathly Lunge!"

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