Chapter 9: Sugar to a Bitter Step

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Luckily, just as I came up with my plan, the ghost ran out of weapons to lodge at us momentarily and was gathering everything again. As it did so, I stood up and turned around to face it. With my back facing the other members of my unit, I told them the gist of my plan.

"From this point out, I'm going to be a little bit selfish. I'm going to give it everything I got. My goal won't be on protecting you both, but to kill the ghost. If protecting you inconveniences me at all at any point, I simply won't do it."

"B-but that's your job! If you don't protect us with everything you've got, We'll all die!" Box cried out.

I looked back at him with a devilish grin and said "Then you guys better make up for your subpar tank! Maybe if you all stay real close to me, my instincts will kick in to help once in a while."

As I made another dash to the ghost, the two were close behind me. I was half joking when I told them to stay close to me, but I guess this works. If there's anything that I've noticed about the Bloodfallen class, is that every aspect of it encourages the player to attack. Even the passive skill entices the player to try and do as much damage as possible.

So in that case, why don't I do just that? I'll prove here and now that Bloodfallen isn't a tank with DPS-like elements, but a DPS with tank-like elements!

I got within melee range of the ghost and began hitting it with a barrage of attacks. The ghost retaliated by dodging some, but he couldn't dodge them all. While I was busy hitting brawling with him, he attempted to send multiple weapons flying towards Rose, but Box used his speed to shield her from it. From that point onwards during the fight, Rose stuck to healing to Box more, which I was completely okay with. With this our playstyle consisted of me doing a considerable amount of damage, Box, who was second to me in damage, and Rose, who was barely but surely keeping Box alive.

It took a while, but after half an hour, we finally ended up killing the ghost. As I delivered the final blow, the ghost face puffed up. That's when I realized his entire body was bloating as well. A blue aura starting to surrounded it that enveloped the entire room with light.

I tried scanning the room for possible solutions to our problem. Are there any shields in the area I could use? There isn't! What about the tables?

Even if we were to use every table in this hall to brace ourselves, I don't know if it'll be enough to survive this explosion! Damn it! I don't have a single skill that could save us from this! This may be it!

"Ian. Now's a better time than ever to tell you...I think we should break up." Rose dropped to her knees.

"You say that every other week! We'll make it out of here just fine-"

"No...I can't do this anymore!" Tears began to fall down her cheeks. "I entertained your dangerous ideas over and over again to come up with our rent, but this is too far! We're going to die! So before we do, I'll make it clear here. We are through-"

That's when Aegis stepped in between us and brandished a watch he had on his wrist. It looked like an expensive gold watch. I guess he was able to find it among the dead bodies.

Aegis simply presented his watch to the ghost as it began its explosion. It erupted in a brilliant chain of blue explosions that engulf the room. It engulfed everything except for the area around us. This must be the work of his red item. So it's just a shield? That's not that special.

"My red item is called Shapios. It's not just any other shield. It's an invisible shield that shapes itself to my will." As the explosion finished and the smoke around us cleared, he explained his item.

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