Chapter 38: The Unfair World

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The girl that has now been revealed readied her daggers. Although it looked like she recognized Elizabeth, it didn't seem like she was planning on letting up.

"You know this girl, Elizabeth?"

"Back in the day, my father would host tournaments and invite everyone from all parts of the world. There was a certain noble family from the Heaven Piercer frontier that was a cut above all of the competition: the Toh family. The rulers of the Heaven Piercer frontier. They were revered as strong people. That is until the demons began to attack. Once they took over the Heaven Piercer frontier, the Toh family was forced to move frontier to frontier. They lost all of their assets...and disappeared."

"However!" Elizabeth continued with a proposal.

"I want you to join me!" Elizabeth pointed towards the assassin with a noble bravado that I've never seen before today.

What is she talking about? Join her? Is she crazy?

"Join you?! The people of Jericho sat back and watched within their walls as every other kingdom fell to the demons! Why the hell would I join you?"

"You're tired of living like this, aren't you? Don't you want to return your family to its former glory?"

"Yes... but-"

"I'm fighting to give the lands that nobles like you lost back to their rightful owners. That's why the other nobles are against me in this. The meeting that'll take place in the morning will decide the handling of every acre of land humanity takes back. You wouldn't want some noble from the upper reach taking the land your ancestors fought so hard to upkeep, right?"

"Of course not..." Sarah looked to the floor in defeat.

"Then I'll ask once more. Join me, to make sure humanity stays on the right path!" Elizabeth reached her hand out to Sarah and after a moment of thought, she reluctantly took it.

"I should probably go tell my brothers not to kill your friends."

I... can't believe...I can't believe... this girl just befriended her assassins. Is this girl the equivalent to in-game Jesus? Is she gonna turn water into wine next? Perhaps pull an infinite amount of fish and bread out of a basket?


"Are you sure you'll be fine? After the Toh siblings reveal that they're working for you, the other noble families will surely pine for your head with other assassins." Aegis asked Elizabeth.

After the events of last night, Elizabeth took the Toh family in and made a contract to work with them until they get their kingdom back. It's a very ambitious contract. Regardless, I believe in Elizabeth's prowess as a leader. Once everyone was rested, we all made our way to the royal courthouse.

"You say that as if we couldn't protect Elizabeth. We're the kingdom's finest assassin's. Bodyguarding can't be that far off. I mean, YOU guys did it." Sarah teased Aegis.

"Just smile, everyone. I'll do the talking." Elizabeth told all of us as we approached the doors to the royal courtroom. As she opened them and entered, the rest of us followed suit.

What greeted us was something resembling a courthouse. It had stained glass in the windows and several podiums with seats that rose way higher than where we were standing. In each of those seats, there were nobles, and in the center across from the entrance there sat the king.

He wore a purple robe with white lines of fur. He had short, gray hair and wore a face of stoic determination. It was the same look that Elizabeth gave whenever she did her signature pointing pose, but for some reason, I can't help but sense a hint of malice behind his glare.

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