Chapter 29: The Scenery She Wanted to See...

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I made my way through the offices from the breakroom and sat back down in my chair. Everyone was relaxing and slacking off. I got most of the work dumped on me because of my ability to process and code faster than everyone. Usually that wouldn't be a problem for me, but it's been crunch time and I've been falling slightly behind.

"Regardless...I didn't get a promotion. Tch!" I kissed my teeth as I spoke under my breath.

As I typed away, I felt a sharp sense of coldness on my neck and jumped in my chair.


"Hehe! You're so fun to mess around with!"

I turned around to see my old friend and superior Melanie with an ice cube in her hand and the biggest smile on her face.

"I told you not to mess with me when I'm working, Mel."

"I'm sorry! It's just you were so in the zone, I couldn't help it. Besides, I have a reason for messing with you today. Gabe wants to chat with you real quick."

Gabe is our boss. If he wants to chat with me, it's probably because of the code. Usually he just lets me work, but if he sees a major bug with the game, he reports it to me firsthand.

Melanie walked me over to Gabe's office and when we entered, Gabe was playing on a handheld console with his feet on the table. As soon as he saw us, he quickly corrected himself and motioned for me to sit. As I sat down, Melanie stood next to Gabe and our meeting began.

"Here!" Gabe threw a controller my way and I caught it. He turned on the tv next to him and the title screen of the game that we've been working on popped up.

We're a very ambitious indie studio. We're working on a sci-fi first person adventure. Not only are we announcing the game in October, we're planning to release it in December. And then we're releasing a VR version in February. Usually, it at most takes half a year for the devs to come up with anything after their announcement, but once again, our ambition made us strive for this hellish schedule.

As I pressed the start button, the game immediately crashed.

"Makes sense..." I sighed in disappointment.

I did rush it these past couple of nights, after all. A fix lile this isn't going to be easy. It'll take a countless amount of restless nights... I'm getting so tired of this crap.

"Having the game in this state is really bad. The other departments are pretty much done, but we've greatly fallen behind. I'll tell you what, I'll cut you a deal..."

I raised my eyebrow. I won't budge for any deal he wants to make with me. Throughout my entire time working here, he has taken advantage of my talents time and time again. I should've gotten a promotion or even a raise months ago.

"If you're able to fix this game-breaking error, I'll promote you to assistant director."

"HUH?!" Melanie's happy expression changed to one of shock.


This is the exact reason I didn't get my promotion. Because this "friend" of mine used her connections as the director's daughter. This and the fact that Gabe knows that the higher ups would see my skills and have me take his job.

However, if he's offering this to me, he must've gotten desperate. I just don't understand his move beyond this. Regardless, I'm not taking this. I'm just gonna finish this game and quit this studio.

"You have all of this power and you're not going to do a thing with it?! You're despicable! You're horrible!" The words of someone annoying popped up in my head and I immediately dismissed the thought. This toxic work environment is proof: Gabe wants to keep his job so he pushes me away. Melanie wants to live a more comfortable life, so she got close to Gabe. Every lives for their own desire. No one thinks about what would be best in terms of merit.

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