Chapter 22: The Reckless Two

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As Gash screamed out in pain, I looked at his health bar and noticed that it was decreasing rapidly. As he rolled in pain, Petal explained Origami Kami's origin.

"There was a special quest that sent me to an inn. It housed a person that washed up on the shores of the continent. This person didn't remember anything about himself. The only thing he remembered is his ability to make amazing origami. He made origami kami here before he died twelve hours after arriving to the inn. I stepped in and quickly got on the same page with Origami Kami after earning its trust. "

Violet immediately rushed to his side. This situation is getting worse and worse. I didn't even know that our limbs could be severed! This entire time I could've been cut in half at any moment?!

Regardless, Gash is pretty much taken out of the fight-

"Regeneration!" Violet used her skill on Gash and the bloodfallen's hands quickly grew back.

Wait...she can do that?! I broke away from my clash with Kami and asked Violet "When did you learn that?"

"I learned it when I reached level ten. It's pretty straining on me though, so we probably shouldn't prioritize-"

"VIOLET! IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO GO BEYOND YOUR LIMITS! REMEMBER! ONLY BUFF ME! AND GASH, KEEP IN MIND THAT MY WEAPON IS THE ONLY THING THAT DOES DAMAGE TO IT!" I exchanged looks with him, begging him to read between the lines. He nodded in response.

I dashed in to make an overhead slice to Kami with all my might, but he intercepted with a clean slice that cut my forearms off. As my axe went flying past the paper samurai with my forearms still attached to it, Gash reacted quick enough to catch it. As my forearms went flying past him, he brought the blade down on the samurai and split him in two. His health was immediately brought to 75%. That must be its weakness! He must've been able to do so much damage because it itself is weak to damage. I couldn't help but laugh as Petal healed Origami Kami and Gash passed me my weapon.



We were all moving around him, like stonecutters dancing, shaving away at boulder. With each attack, we passed the weapon, attacked, and if there was any mistake, Violet grew back our limbs. She was getting more exhausted and sluggish, so we needed to end this before she died on exhaustion alone.

As the three of us rushed, I opened with a wide right swing. Kami dodged it and cut my arms off. I put enough force behind my attack to make labrys spin horizontally like a boomerang. It spun directly into Gash's hands and he kept up the momentum to perform the wide swing I tried to do by targeting his back.

Kami expected this, so he protected his back by using his blade. Gash ran the blade past Kami's and gave the weapon to me. I received it seamlessly and redirected the attack to cut both Kami's legs off.

Once the legs were cut off of him with immense force, he was swept by his feet and toppled over like a tree. Before his back hit the floor, Petal used regeneration to make new feet for Kami. Once he landed on his back, he spun his feet in a breakdancing motion that took down both Gash and I at our calves. Before he made contact, I passed my weapon to Gash. As we landed, we turned so that we could land on our backs. Violet was starting to get tired, so she only regenerated my limbs. Once we were on our backs, we both used our weight to jump to our feet. But because Gash didn't have anything below his knees to stand on, he fell back down. Kami expected him to attack regardless, so he swiped at Gash's throat and cut it open. He immediately let go of my weapon and I feint an attack and catch the weapon afterwards.

Kami, thinking that I was going to hit him again, prepared a block.

However, I threw my weapon like a tomahawk to Petal. It moved with such speeds, she had no time to move or think. She could only react to her incoming demise. The paper samurai was so focused on the fight, he didn't think of guarding his master once. That's why I took this opportunity that not one person expected. HA! I should get Walter to make me a celebratory drink because of my genius when I log off.

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