Chapter 12: The Unravelling Quest

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As I walked up to the receptionist, I asked her if she knew of any magicrumb dealers. Maybe I shouldn't have led with that, because she looked at me as if I was crazy.

"This is a drug-free establishment, sir. Wait, YOU'RE THE BOOGEYMAN OF THE GUILD HALL! CAN I GET AN AUTOGRAPH?!"

"Sure whatever, just tell me where to find magicrumb dealers."

"I don't know where exactly the magicrumb dealers are, but I can tell you where to find a poor hero that fell into addiction with it. He hangs around the left alleyway of the guildhall." She directed me.

I thanked her by signing a piece of paper that she had. At this rate, I should change my name to Boogeyman.


Nah that doesn't sound cool at all. It doesn't even sound that scary. It's just a goofy name. I gotta change my reputation fast before this boogeyman thing sticks.

Anyway, I went to the left alleyway to find a destitute man slumped to his side. He was wearing nothing but rags and had a constant look of absentmindedness. It looked like his high was coming off because he began to take a blue crystal out of his pocket. Before he could ingest it, I smacked the drugs out of his hand, grabbed him by the collar of his rags, and began to question him.

"Where did you find the magicrumbs?"

"I-I'll take you to my dealer! Please don't hurt me..."

I let go of him and he looked through his menus to DM his dealer. It's kind of sad to see, really. This guy was probably a perfectly normal personal before he got ahold of magicrumbs. It makes me wonder if addiction transfers from the game to the real world. It wouldn't surprise me if the developers of a game like this thought of something twisted like that. Or maybe the high you get is something that can only be achieved through this specific drug? I wonder...

"Wait a minute. He's an NPC. He doesn't have UI magic. I guess we just gotta see if he's there at the usual meeting spot."

"The usual meeting spot?" I asked.

"Follow me." He began to walk off and I followed.

As we made twists and turns throughout the slums of the lower reach, the hero lead me to a storm drain that he removed the grill of and jumped into.

"Come on in!" His voice echoed in the storm drain as he called me to come in.

"All for a valuable death. All for a valuable death. All for a valuable death..." I consoled myself as I hopped into the storm drain and into the sewers.

Once I hopped in, I looked around to find that we were in the sewers. It had a torch here and there to give lighting, but for the most part, it was very dark. There were walkways that could be followed and a manmade river between the two that transported the waste.

"It surprises me that the lower reach has the funding for this."

"Heh! Yeah, there's a conspiracy that the only reason they got the funding was specifically for magicrumb distribution."

If that conspiracy is true, then that means the entire magicrumb situation goes deeper than just the Bellow family. The royal family may be involved too. That would explain why magicrumbs have been going so rampant throughout the lower reach. If the king really wanted, he could've cleaned out these sewers the whole time.

We followed the walkway and went down certain pathways until we saw a man wearing nothing but black robes and a hood. Although we were a bit ways from him, I could see his welcoming smile turn into a concerning frown once he saw me. I have a sneaking suspicion that he doesn't trust me already.

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