Chapter 37: The Siblings

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I charged towards the two lizards and went for a diverging claw.

They both easily dodged the attack and went straight for Violet.

"Life Saver!" Violet pulled me close to her.

Not bad, Violet! Using the attack for offensive means instead of defensive! As expected of the marauder of white's healer!

As I went flying towards Violet, I prepared my next attack. I need to make it an attack that stops both of them in their tracks but vital puncture can only be used at one instance at a time. I have an idea to overcome this though.

"Vital Puncture!" I stabbed the monster to my left and it came to a paralyzing halt.

I wasted no time and pressed the monster to my right's neck to the floor.

"HA! Easy enough!" I praised myself as I swung the lizard around between the walls and the floor.

With each hit against the walls of the room, it got weaker and more limp until finally, it dissipated into a blue crystal.

Violet was already working on the last one and did considerable damage to it. I simply walked over and finished it off. As it died and became a blue crystal, I walked over to the stairs ready to descend the steps when Violet stopped me.

"We need to loot the crystals. Otherwise, they'll just be used by the assassin's again."

"Well that makes sense-WAIT! Does that mean Origami Kami was lootable too?!"


That's not good. That means there's a good chance we're seeing the paper warrior sometime in the future. If I knew I could've done that, I would have done it a long time ago!

"Why didn't you tell me!?"

"I only found out the other day! I don't really pay that much attention to other classes." Violet looked to the floor in defeat.

I can't really blame her. I didn't even know that the monster trainer class existed until our run-in with Petal.

"I guess it doesn't really matter all that much." I digressed and checked the items.

They were both items for the priest class that were locked at level 30. I decided to hand them to Violet because it only made sense, and we descended the steps once again.


We kept walking down the stairs of the estate for what felt like forever. As we did so, I pried Violet for more information on monster trainers.

"Can monster trainers have members of their party command their monsters?"

"From what I can tell, no."

"Then that means their DPS is roaming around somewhere. We need to take care of these guys and find them."

We descended these steps until we reached a large hallway. As we stepped into it, at the opposite end there were the two masked assassins.


"Can you please stop shouting, Garthorn?" the assassin's assailant cowered behind Garthorn as he warned him.

"Pleasure to meet you again. I didn't get to 'axe' you that many questions earlier!"


I looked over to Violet to get her opinion on my pun.

"That was one of your worst ones yet..."

"Oh come on! Don't sit here and act like you haven't made terrible jokes! I didn't forget that Optimus Prime joke-" as I was grilling Violet, Gathorn rushed towards me with a greatsword and made a deadly swing for my neck.

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