Chapter 31: The Stalker Makes Her Move!

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Right in the middle of the fight between Mitree and I, Mitree was pulled back into the giant worm's mouth. It was none other than Petal. She used a skill to pull Mitree. But for what? Was she scared that I was getting the upper hand?

It didn't take me too long to realize that Roxline summoned a tornado that was shredding through everything in sight.

I used deathly lunge to get out of the way and when I did, the tornado passed me and was heading straight for the Anarchy guild leader.

"Tch. Game over...This pisses me off to no end. I guess I'll have to take my leave-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Meros blocking an incoming fireball from Roxline. Although he blocked it, that wasn't enough for the attack it end. As he blocked it, the attack carried him straight into the tornado and he was quickly taken by it. As the tornado tore through where he was originally standing, I noticed that he was no longer there. The tornado swept him away. It would be wishful thinking to assume that he's dead. People like that don't die easily, after all...

With the enemy forces falling back, I'm certain that I can now say that victory belongs to Diligence. I looked over to see if Aegis was alright and Violet and Roxline were right next to him. Roxline couldn't keep her eyes off of him. She was genuinely concerned for his well being.

"Oho? What's this? What was it you said? 'It's every man for himself,' right? Helping us out was a weird thing to do in that moment, Roxline! I guess you bend the rules for possible love interests. I don't blame ya!" I teased her.

"Can you LEAVE ME ALONE! I just would've felt bad if he died for nothing, so I decided to pitch in just this once! Don't expect my help any time soon!" She snapped at me.

"Yeah, whatever. Let's just go finish this, already. Hey, Lucia-"

I looked over to where I last saw the guild leader and was surprised to find that she was no longer there.

Now that I think about it, I haven't seen Hermes in a while either! Where did they go?! Did they slip away during the fight?

That's when I saw it. In the distance, Large mounds of sand rose from the ground and created a city with various buildings. The buildings weren't anything like the ones back at Jericho. They had round or spherical layouts as opposed to the traditional rectangular or square. It was definitely different from anything I've seen before in this game.

"Lucia must've ran ahead of us and restored the kingdom with Hermes. Let's go." I told everyone and they followed.

As we walked into the city, I quickly noticed it was a ghost town. Now that I think about it, it makes sense. The city was just built after all.

"Welcome to Destra. The city of fun and games. That's how they advertise themselves, at least." I looked to see Lucia and Hermes approach us. In the heat of the moment I couldn't notice, but could clearly see shit got a bit of an upgrade to her armor. It was less bulky than when I originally met her. It must be because of her class's equipment progression. The more technology advances, the less space it takes up, after all.

"How long do you think it'll take for the people from Jericho to move in?" I asked.

"Couple of days." Lucia said.

"COUPLE OF DAYS!?" Aegis and I both snapped. It was enough to make Lucia take a step back.

"Jeez, do you guys want to go to the Blazing Blizzards already? You guys just got here!" Lucia chuckled.

Aegis and I vigorously nodded. I just want to be useful as soon as possible. A moment spent lazing around could be used doing anything else. The pretentious paladin agrees with my sentiment as well.

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