Chapter 26: The Enemy of Trust

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I walked into the anarchy guild hall to attend the meeting. There was a very important meeting that the guild leader wanted everyone to attend. Well, I say it's a guild hall, but only one guild hall is allowed per kingdom, so other guilds have to find open spots and gather there, or buy a property and meet there. The guild leader managed to buy an abandoned church in the slums of the lower reach, and we're using it as a guild hall.

I stood at the back of the church leaned against a wall. I try to keep a low profile in the guild ever since my screwup with obtaining Potenshia. Almost all of my respect was lost instantly because of that weirdo Bloodfallen. Honestly, who does he think he is? If I never see another Bloodfallen again, it'll be too soon.

"Ohhhh! What do you think Meros wants with us?" a man that just entered the church asked.

"There's rumors that the guild leader of Diligence is going to the Scorching Sands, so we're probably preparing for the expedition quest-" I immediately stopped explaining mid sentence once I looked at the person next to me.

He had brown skin and short hair that was well cut. We wore a trench coat with a black shirt underneath, close-fitted black pants, and fingerless gloves. But none of those features bothered me. What bothered me the most, were those damn piercing red eyes! They're the same ones as the man that ruined it all for me. I began to avoid eye-contact with him, but he wanted to continue to chat with me.

"Mind if I ask you a question?"

"You just did." I cut his inquiry down.

"Mind if I ask another one?"

"You just did again."

"Mind if I ask four?"

I sighed and prompted him to go ahead.

"Why did you join Anarchy?"

Why? It's because I tried everything with my Art and couldn't get anywhere. It's because I spent thousands of dollars in classes and equipment and haven't even made a quarter of it back. It's because the world failed me. But I'll keep it nice and succinct for the man.

"Same reason as everyone else here: I want to do whatever I can't do in the real world here. I want to do whatever I want, when I want."

"Nahhh. I don't think that's it. The average Anarchy member just wants to kill, loot, and rob whoever they please. But you..." The Bloodfallen used his eyes to give me a knowing glare as he said "You look like you want to see the world burn."

I couldn't avoid gazing right back at him. He was right on the money. At this point, only vindictiveness is driving me and since I can't take it out on anyone IRL without getting arrested, I'll do everything I want in this game and get paid to do it.

"And what about it?" I told him.

"Nothing! Just be honest about it! I'm the exact same way! By the way, the name's Gash!" Gash extended his hand to me and I shook it. "The name's Polk."

This guy is a certified weirdo, but he's one of the only people I have found common ground with recently.

Before he could talk to me any more, the guild leader walked onto the stage. No matter who you were in the guild, you could easily tell who the leader was by three descriptors: His blank, soulless expression, his towering height, and his larger than life blood red greatsword.

Weight was in each of his steps as he took to the center of the stage. Everyone immediately silenced themselves upon hearing him. Once he stood behind the podium, he began with an announcement.

"We're taking the Scorching Sands for ourselves." He pumped his fist in the air and everyone in the church roared in excitement. The upper reach could probably hear us with how much noise everyone was making. As the guild cheered, he waited until everyone went silent again before continuing.

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